I loved reading your comments about Hannah being vegetarian – or what some of you called “Flexitarian!” I had never even heard of that before!
My day started out with hash, or rather, what can I cut up and make for breakfast. 1.5 ounce steak, red pepper, shredded zucchini, 4 ounces canned potato and 1 egg. On the side was 1 oz. of sourdough bread (question – has anyone made sourdough bread from scratch making your own starter?) and a vanilla Chobani – my new favorite yogurt! Breakfast: 507 calories, 51 carbs, 39 protein, 15.5 fat and 4.1 fibe.r

So yesterday after fixing my breakfast, I went to the deep freeze and pulled out what I thought was my buffalo chicken chili, only to discover it was marinara sauce! For once I labeled something! 😀 I remembered I had asparagus ravioli in my freezer from when Maxi was here. I bumped up my meal by adding diced zucchini and 1/2 of a spicy chicken sausage.
While my lunch was delicious, I need to remember to really roll out my pasta dough really thin – when it cooks it really plumps up – so I thought the ratio of dough to filling was a bit off. And I could have added more lemon zest in the filling. Lunch: 454 calories, 55 carbs, 25 protein, 14.5 fat and 4.5 fiber.

I had defrosted two pork chops for dinner. While I had spicy bbq on mine – Tony just had simple salt and pepper on his. We grilled on the gas grill on our side deck and enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay while grilling. Tony actually took this picture – love it!
Our dog Ed likes to bring his toy outside to play – he’s had this toy almost 2 weeks and it is still in tact! He usually is “friends” with them for a couple days, and then one morning we’ll go into the living room and all the stuffing has been pulled out and it will be a dead carcass.

My bbq sauce of choice last night?
This is actually produced locally to me – they have several flavors – including “lava” which is really spicy! If you want to check out their line of products, go to: www.ilovetwofatguys.com! I ate 3 ounces of pork chop, 4 ounces of potato and 3/4 of a small zucchini dressed with a teaspoon of light balsmic dressing. Dinner: 310 calories, 29 carbs, 31 protein, 7.7 fat and 3.3 fiber.

And then Ed’s plate when I couldn’t finish mine!
Probably since my dinner was so light, I was still hungry later last night – I had an unphotographed string cheese and an ounce of this crack snack: Munchies!
Stats for Thursday:
- no exercise 🙁
- 1,451 calories, 153 carbs, 104 protein, 45 fat and 12.9 fiber (do you think it’s subconscious that I never add my wine to my calories for the day?!)
Tonight is date night with Tony!! I am using $150 in gift cards for us to go to Ruth’s Chris for dinner – so party pizza Friday will have to be pushed back a day!
Do you go on dates with your spouse? Here’s hoping the work day flies by – have a great one!
Oh – and I almost forgot!! I am entering my beet hummus in Christina’s Friday Firsts! 😀
I have a friendship sourdough starter bread packet that my mother in law gave me but I’ve never tried it. I always watch you make AMAZING bread and it makes me want to make bread 🙂
Delicious lunch and dinner….I LOVE grilling and wish we had a dog I could give my leftovers to, too!
i can’t wait to read about Ruth’s Chris – I’ve heard it’s amazing.
Hope you had a great meal at Ruth Chris steakhouse! My parents love that place. Such a nice restaurant. The ravioli looks great and I love your dog! I have stuff a soft spot for dogs! Truly are a man’s best friend 🙂
You’re really using that grill to the max! Man, the neighbors must be DYING to get to your house…the smell emanating from your house must be killing them!
I just checked 2 Flexitarian books out of the library..they seem interesting. but I really have not looked at them too closely yet. Had to read Julie and Julia first…
All you eats looks amazing!! 🙂 Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog and telling me the story of our Dad. It meant a lot to me….
YUM, YUM, YUM. Your food as usual is amazing, I’m so glad we can grill again.
My dogs are the same way with toys so funny.
I thought of you this morning as I sliced jalapeños to go on my huevos rancheros, so awesome. We do date night almost every Saturday night, a night I don’t have to cook or clean 🙂
hee hee i never add my wine calories either! wine is gods juice 🙂
Wow!! Those asparagus ravioli look amazing..
I try to do date nights with my boyfriend every week but it doesn’t usually materialize because our schedules are so different and by the time we’re done with work we’re both exhausted. Have an amazing time at Ruth Chris!!
I had to laugh out loud at the picture and description of Ed. Corky is the EXACT same way. He babies them for awhile and then suddenly snaps and tears them all apart. We have many empty stuffed animals in his collection. Once he’s torn the stuffing out he starts w/ ripping off their eyes and nose, and then tearing off each limb one at a time! haha He used to take his outside too but I don’t let him anymore since one was torn up outside. If you think picking up all that stuff inside is hard work – just wait until it’s across a lawn! Ugh!
The grilled pork chops look delicious! I’d be so scared to grill pork! And thanks for the Friday Firsts shout out! I really want to try that beet hummus, it looks and sounds awesome!!!
That grilled meal looks so tasty!! I love grillin season!!!!
Have a lovely date night!! Andrew and I go on date nights, but we don’t have a set date night each week. I think we need to start doing that, especially when we have kids. Date nights are the best way to reconnect!!
I had pork chops last night too! Twin powers activate!
Although not on the grill! Yours looks so good!
Great looking eats! I love the hash for breakfast. Yummy! Ryan really wants to make sourdough and we plan to soon. Just haven’t done it yet.
Yum – grilled zucchini is the best – my mouth is watering. 🙂
By the way, I most definitely remember that snausages commercial. 🙂 So funny.
Happy Friday!
Chobani is my new favorite too! I’m on a strawberry kick right now. Chobani strawberry with fresh (or frozen) strawberries is a taste sensation!
Did you make that ravioli from scratch? It looks great, and we’re asparagus lovers! I keep asking you to come be our personal chef!
Yep! If you click on the link “asparagus ravioli” it will take you there – I am so behind in adding my recipes to my recipe page! 😀
My Husband and I try to go on dates once a week. Usually Friday nights. But sometimes we can’t get a babysitter or one of the kids is sick. But by the time Friday rolls around we need the break from the kids to just be us, a couple, not mom and dad! The restaurant you are going to looks like a fab restaurant! Have fun for us to. We didn’t find a baby sitter for tonight and last Friday my second son had just had his tonsils out so we stayed home. Ugh, two Fridays in a row, we need a date night!
I’ve never had has before-it looks so good!
We get a date night ever second Friday – it’s a godsend. Our weeks our so busy sometimes it’s our only time to connect!
We go on a date every Friday night to the burger joint down the road…split a half-pound cheeseburger and fries (they do two baskets for us, which is nice) – I add grilled jalapenos to my side (and think of you), we get two waters – total bill: $8.37. Then we go to Target to stock up on Fage (it’s cheaper there than my grocery store), to Sam’s for fruit, veggies and whatever else we need, grocery-wise, drop everything at home (we live right by Sam’s) and hit up Red Mango for some frozen yogurt, which usually costs more than our dinner, lol! …and now you know the exciting life that I lead! 🙂
Never been to Ruths Chris – there was one in San Antonio while we lived there, but couldn’t afford it. I hear it’s WONDERFUL – looking forward to living vicariously through your dinner tonight! Have a great time!!!
I love that asparagus filling in your ravioli, yum! We never go out to dates or eat by ourselves at home anymore, as our daughter is now such a foodie, we feel bad not taking her with us, so we all eat together. But we still sneak out to the movies without her every now and then 🙂
Wow, Ruths Chris is a nice date night! Noel and I always “mean” to go for date night, but we never make it. Something always comes up, or we end up hanging with friends.
I’ve got a grilled pork loin up today too!
BBQ meat, potatoes and veg is probably my favourite meal. You can have so many meats, with so many sauces, and any beggies, and it’s so good. the smoky bbq taste make my mouth water.
Great bbq!