I came home to a beautiful lawn!

The first mow of the season is the worst.  We had planned on doing it over the weekend.  We have a tree that drops these huge shells, they almost look like string beans!  And because we had such a wet spring, the riding mower got clogged several times – it looks beautiful – thanks Tony! 😀

I started yesterday with Beginners Yoga on Exercise TV.  Wow, was that harder than I thought!  Some of the poses were held for a while, but you know what?   I loved it.  I felt all stretched out after only 25 minutes! 😀

Yesterday I made another breakfast pizza, this time I drizzled 1/4 cup of egg beaters over the top.  On the side a had some very ripe black beans – blackberries – so sweet!  Nice catch Beth! 😀

Normally I make breakfast at home, but don’t eat it at work.  Not this time – it smelled so good, I ate it on the way to work!

breakfast: 494 caloires, 73 carbs, 24 protein, 14.7 fat and 7.7 fiber

My workout at lunch was 20 minutes on the treadmill running at 4.5 mph, then 20 minutes elliptical, 5 minutes of abs and 5 minutes of stretching, all while watching FoodTV!

For lunch I had two cups of my roasted pepper soup, and a giant salad – I am loving having apple in my salads, especially when I use Annie’s Goddess dressing.

Lunch: 457 calories, 52 carbs, 19.4 protein, 21 fat and 10.1 fiber

My afternoon snack?  More cheese please!

I used Amy’s recipe for the Herb & Balsamic Kabob’s.   What I forgot to do was marinate the veggies, so I did a quick marinade in Newman’s light balsamic while the grill got to temperature.  Amy, these were really good!

I must be killing Dave with all this grilling! 😀  The asparagus were too thin to put on the kabobs, so I just did those on the side and put some zucchini on the kabobs.

My plate: 1 cup of rice, 4 ounces of steak, and veggies!

I was multi-tasking at the grill too – I had marinated chicken for another round of my Chicken Tikka Masala – this is the 4th time I’ve made it in a month!  Tony still says it smells like ass, but the combination of flavors is amazing!

Stats for Monday:

  • 25 minutes beginners yoga
  • 20 minutes treadmill
  • 20 minutes elliptical
  • 5 minute abs
  • 1,491 calories, 186 carbs, 92 protein, 46 fat and 23 fiber

We have a new hostess for BSI this week!  Her name is Anne-Marie and she has chosen beets! This might be a tough one for me – I believe the last time I had a beet was Thanksgiving of 1979!  Do you like beets – what are your beet recipes??

Guess what?  I am up so early that after I hit publish . . . I am going to the gym! 😀

Have a great Tuesday!