Some of my eats were a hit yesterday, others need some tweaking!  I started out my leisurely Sunday morning with a classic Biz sammie – English muffin, 1/2 cup egg beaters, spinach and 2 ounces of leftover Easter sandwich.  Surprisingly – no cheese was involved in this sammie! 😀

257 caloires, 29 carbs, 28 protein, 3 fat and 1.7 fiber

When we buy stuff off the $1 rack – we’ve learned that we have to move quick, otherwise it spoils too quickly.  I decided to make a roasted pepper and potato soup with the peppers Tony brought home.  I think the orange peppers are slightly sweeter than red and green?  At least that’s how it tasted to me!

I lit my grill at 10:00 a.m. – I am sure my neighbors thought I was nuts starting the grill so early!  I sprayed the peppers with Pam before putting them on the grill.

my grills was HOT - 400 degrees - I cooked them about 5 minutes each side - do not remove the charred bits!

Once inside, I let them cool.  Sliced in half, removed the membrane, seeds and stems:

I used this as my chicken broth – love this stuff!

I diced up an 8 ounce potato and used the last of a bag of shredded carrots – 3 ounces.

then just simmer on low for 40 minutes, or until potatoes are tender enough to use a stick blender to puree

Roasted Pepper and Potato Soup Recipe  (printer friendly version here)

Makes 4 servings/2 cups each:  184 calories, 4.3 fat, 26.7 carbs, 4.1 fiber and 11.4 protein


1 teaspoon olive oil
3 1/2 ounces carrots
3 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
6 cups chicken broth
1 1/5 pounds red peppers
8 ounce potato
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper


  1. Grill peppers on gas or Weber grill until charred on all sides. Let cool. Cut in half and remove membrane, seeds and stem.
  2. Heat oil in heavy pot and add garlic and carrots and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add the broth, charred peppers, and potato. Bring to simmer over high heat. Decrease the heat to medium-low. Partially cover and simmer until potatoes are tender – about 30 minutes.
  3. Using a stick blender, puree soup. Add in Italian seasoning and crushed red pepper and add salt and pepper to taste.  I garnished it with a spoon of Greek yogurt and chopped fresh cilantro. 😀
this is so smokey, a bit spicy and fresh tasting!

I love the flecks of char in the soup – to me, it makes the soup – and only 185 calories for two cups!!

Tony decided to come with me to Whole Foods – we decided to stop for lunch somewhere around WF.  While Tony had Fuddrucker’s in mind, when we got there they were no longer in business.  But about a block down we ended up here:

I’ve never been to a Famous Dave’s before, and while I had thoughts of pulled pork, Tony pointed this out to me and there was no other decision to be made:

love the name - Devil's spit burger!

And for my side I chose this – here is the miss:  I didn’t see the word onions!

I managed to pick off most of the onions, but it still had kind of an oniony flavor 🙁

To say the burger was big is an understatement.  It took all my control, but I cut it in half and only ate half – I brought the rest home, and just one half weighed in at 6 ounces, or 12 ounces for the whole burger!  This was definitely a hit!

Lunch comes in around: 588 calories, 47 carbs, 26 protein, 29 fat and 11.8 fiber

Then it was on to Whole Foods!  For the record, I have to give the hubs some props – he hates this store – especially this one – it’s tiny, the aisles are very narrow, and being a Sunday it was packed.  I did get some loot though!

two bags of pirates booty, smoked salmon (for Tony!), celery, rye flower, red chili tortillas, habanero hummus!

Guess how much that stuff cost?  $41! That’s why they call it Whole Paycheck!  I totally scored with this cheese though – never even heard of it before!

Dinner was baby back ribs, using my new Famous Dave’s sauce – Georgia Mustard!  The second ingredient is vinegar! 😀  Tony and Hannah had Robinson’s.  Yes, you read that correctly, my daughter who doesn’t like meat actually likes ribs!

Another miss: my potato salad.  I used Greek yogurt instead of mayo, and it was bland and boring – back to the drawing board on that one!

My plate – I ended up eating 4 ribs, potato salad and 1/2 cup baked beans:

Turns out our dog likes ribs too!

Another miss.  I tried to make rye bread, but the recipe I used called for molasses and cocoa powder?  Really?  Having never made it, I gave it a shot.  It tastes like pumpernickel!!  While good, it wasn’t what I was going for.  I am using a Cook’s Illustrated recipe that I made tonight and will bake tomorrow night – you’ll have to come back and see how it turns out!

Stats for Sunday:

  • no exercise other than household chores
  • 1374 calories, 146 carbs, 78 protein, 52 fat and 20 fiber

Hope you enjoyed your weekend! 😀  I am about to do some Yoga on exercise T.V.! 😀