I’ve been trying to figure out over a year how to have printer friendly versions of my recipes.  I’ve gone on wordpress forums and the explanation on how to do it made no sense to me at all – first off, I don’t know how to write any code so I was pretty clueless from the get go.

I was on a blog yesterday, saw a recipe for Thai pizza and it had a printer friendly link.  Imagine my surprise when I figured out how to do it!  It’s a website called www.scribd.com.  You log in with an email and password and that’s it.  I put my recipe on a word document, uploaded it and it gives you an URL to link to.  😀

Breakfast was amazing – thanks to Can You Stay for Dinner I had the best pancakes – Blueberry Lemon Zest Pancakes!  The only difference was that I let my batter sit for 15 minutes to get extra fluffy pancakes.  You can print out a printer friendly version of the recipe here.

So fluffy!  I had three lite sausage links on the side.  Breakfast:  337 calories, 42 carbs, 17.4 protein, 12.2 protein and 1.9 fiber.  While my recipe card says serves one, I only had two of the four pancakes.

Lisa at Jersey Girl Cooks was my inspiration for lunch.  It’s not an exact duplicate because I used what I had on hand.   You can print out my recipe here.

stuffed and ready for the oven
my plate - but I threw out the bread when I found mold! 🙁
468 calories, 30 carbs, 21 fat, 21 protein, 5.2 fiber

Dinner was pork loin done on the grill.  It was nice hanging out with Tony on the deck while dinner cooked – it almost felt like summer!  And our dog loves it too – so much to see!

I just used a lemon pepper mix on the pork with grilled veggies on the side.

My plate: 3 ounce pork, broccoli potatoes and spicy bbq sauce!

Dinner:  437 calories, 39 carbs, 25 fat, 8.4 protein, 12.6 fiber (thanks to the broccoli!)

Stats for Tuesday:  No exercise (worked through lunch)

BSI is taking a break this week because of Easter – Christina will be our host next week, so stay tuned!

Also, check out my brother’s recap of Fit Bloggin!  So wish I could have been there! 🙁

Off to get ready for work – have a great Wednesday!