I lucked out on my $1 rack at my grocery store with 6 navel oranges for $1 – this one was so flavorful!!

On the side I had 1/2 cup egg white scrambled with baby spinach, 1 tablespoon of real bacon bits and 1 oz. 75% reduced fat cheddar cheese, rolled up in a low carb/high fiber wrap.

Breakfast: 310 caloires, 38 carbs, 29.8 protein, 8.6 fat and 13.3 fiber! 😀

Breakfast held me pretty well – probably because of the high fiber content?  Anyway, it was enough to fuel my 45 minute walk at lunch.  As my friend and I were walking we decided that next week we would bring our bikes and bike at lunch – its such a beautiful road and there is not a lot of traffic.

I told my friend I was bringing lunch in today – another version of a Bahn Mi sandwich.  The last time I brought this in for us, while the contents of the sandwich were good – the roll I picked out was way to crunchy.  I stopped at the store on the way to work in search of soft rolls – picked up the first one I saw and then as I was headed to the check out I noticed each bun was 310 calories! Nope!  So I got another brand for 180 calories – it was perfect.  As my friend described lunch:  It was 5 forks – which means it’s good enough to put on a menu! 😀

569 calories, 72 carbs, 38 protein, 14.4 fat and 6.2 fiber
I liked the added splashes of sriracha on mine!

I put my spicy tofu “mayo” in calorie count, and 1 tablespoon is only 16 calories!  I put it on the base of the sandwich and it really was good!

Hannah and Maxi decided to go shopping after school and informed me that they were not going to be home for dinner.  I decided that since it was so nice out, we would grill out.  They sell these petite filet’s at my store for $6.99 a pound – they have two small filets in each packet – sure beats the price of filet mignon behind the meat counter – it was $16.99 a pound yesterday!  And I picked up some shrimp.

While I was at the seafood counter, I looked at all the bottled sauces and decided to pick this one up.

Wasabi is the one spicy thing Tony will eat because its hot for an instant, and then goes away.  After we both tried it with dinner – Tony described it as Green Goddess with a little kick – perfect descriptions!  It was a tad on the sweet side, but we still liked it.  A little goes a long way too – at 150 calories for 2 tablespoons, a teaspoon was all I needed.

I marinated the shrimp in a bit of olive oil, garlic and strips of basil.

Luckily our gas grill has a temperature gage, because all of a sudden I looked over and the temperature was getting lower and lower – a quick change of the gas container (I can’t think of the word!) and we were back in business.  The filets only take about 20 minutes for medium rare.

My plate:  3 oz. tenderloin, 3 oz. shrimp, 2 cups baby spinach and 1 tsp. wasabi sauce:  This whole plate comes in at only 296 calories, 7 carbs, 43 protein, 8.7 fat and .7 fiber!

Stats for Tuesday:  45 minute walk at lunch

On the German Exchange calendar last night it was described as “Family Bowling Night!”  I decided to tag along with the girls, only to find out that other than the German teachers, I was the only parent there!  But I had an opportunity to take a bunch of pictures – I set up a blog for the German parents to go, to keep up with what their kids are up to.   Here’s one of the pictures:

Hannah is second to the right and Maxi is third to the right

Today is also the first official trip to Chicago – they are going to Sears Tower, Geno’s East for dinner and then to a dance performance – she won’t be home until 11:00 tonight so she will be tired!

Also, huge thank you to Tony for installing our medicine cabinet last night while we were bowling! We couldn’t find anything we liked in the stores, so we bought it on-line – it looks great – thanks Tony!

Alright, off to put my food together – have a great Wednesday!