So with no grocery shop, my eats were on the tad boring side yeseterday, but still tasty!  For breakfast I had 2 mini bagels and split 1 Pam fried egg between then, 1 oz. ham and 1 oz. swiss cheese with two mini tangerines on the side.

511 calories, 69 carbs, 28 protein, 15.4 fat, 3.5 fiber

My deep freeze came to my rescue for lunch.  The very last of my last batch of Cincinnati chili – I added 1 oz. of swiss cheese on top (which did not want to melt!) with 1 ounce of tortilla chips for dipping – I love eating chili that way!

469 calories, 26 carbs, 38 protein, 24 fat and 3.6 fiber

I decided to do my grocery shopping at lunch, and was kind of surprised at how empty the store was!  I was able to do everything in about 20 minutes!  Great shop too!

As I was waiting to get checked out, I realized my blood sugar was starting to drop – I started to sweat – so I reached for the first thing I saw – I ended up eating 1/2 the bag – when I got back to my desk my blood sugar was 65, but within 15 minutes got to a comfortable 90 -whew!

113 calories, 13.5 carbs, 2.3 protein, 6 fat and .7 fiber

I cannot tell you how much I love day light savings!!  And you can finally see my grass in the back yard!

this is the view from our grill on our deck – love it!

And a beautiful sunset – although it gets quite chilly once the sun goes down!

I also came home to Hannah’s handywork – seriously, anyone in the Chicagoland area that needs anything organized – Hannah is your girl!  She’s ruthless though – she’ll say “Mom, you haven’t even worn this in over a year – it’s going to Goodwill!”  Same goes with the pantry – if we haven’t used it – it’s probably expired and trashed!

And Tony continued his hard work in the bathroom – he had to dry wall a hole where an old rusty medicine cabinet was and do so more patchwork on the ceiling.  Thanks for all your hard work Tony! (Reason number 1,612 I love Tony – he is so handy – although I know when I’ve asked him to do too much, he calls himself the maintenance man šŸ™ )

I had burgers on the brain for dinner last night.  I will tell you that it is worth the extra calories to get 80/20 ground beef – you’ll be rewarded with the juiciest burgers!  I start out with 5 ounce patties, but when cooked, they are 4 ounces each.  I’ve read about Kerrygold cheese and since it’s almost St. Patty’s day, was able to find it at my store.  O.M.G. does this cheese live up to the hype! It’s aged cheddar and it’s like butter – so good!  And you know how I love my cheese!

you’d think that was more than an ounce of cheese – but it’s so melty!

My plate: 4 oz. burger, 1 bun, dill pickles (my fav!) and 1 ounce of original Sun Chips, or i.e. more crack chips!

Dinner comes in at:  566 calories, 40 carbs, 37 protein, 28 fat and 2.9 fiber

Since I had the grill going, I realized I bought tomatillos a week ago and never did anything with them!  I once made tomatillo salsa and it tasted like ass – apparently you can’t use them straight raw – they need to be roasted, grilled or boiled for 10 minutes – whew knew?!

They come wrapped in paper and the skin is sticky.  I always run mine under water, but not sure that is actually necessary.

Just put on the grill and get it charred – I actually had these on the grill for closer to 20 minutes.

I absolutely LOVE the tartness of these!   After 20 minutes – ready to be taken off and cooled.

Biz’s Salsa Verde

  • 10 ounces tomatillos (what I had on hand)
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro (I happen to love cilantro so I use a lot!)
  • juice of one lime
  • 1/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 serrano peppers (stemmed but not deseeded)
  • salt to taste (I used about 3/4 teaspoon)

Once the tomatillos have cooled, just throw everything in the food processor and you are done – so delicious!

I love the bright green color – but you still have the smokey flavor of the charred tomatillos!

This will be the star of my breakfast this morning – I plan on making Migas from Chaos in the Kitchen! šŸ˜€  Thanks for the recipe Katie!

For lunch I have more of my chicken tikka masala with rice and my homemade naan!

But I can’t wait until tonight – since my step-son will be traveling for spring break, we are celebrating my birthday with him tonight . . . shhh . . . don’t tell anyone its my birthday on Friday and there might be  a cool giveaway! šŸ˜€

We are going to Pinstripes – check out the menuwhat do you think I should get? Pretty sure I’ll bowl a 300 – not!  I’ll be lucky to break 100 – although reason #3 Tony thought I was a lesbian?  I was on a bowling team in my early 20’s! šŸ˜€  Reason’s #1 and 2 ?  I did shot put in high school and I played field hockey!

Stats for Monday: Grocery shopping was my exercise šŸ™

Alright – off to make my delicious breakfast – have a great Tuesday! šŸ˜€