Wow, thanks for all of your comments on my last post!!  I have the best cheerleaders! 😀

What made yesterday a great day?  I brought these for my desk!

I cut down the roses Tony gave me for V-Day to fit in this vase - so pretty! 😀

And it was a re-run for breakfast!

I realized that I never showed you what the inside of the roll looks like!  Yesterday I shredded 5 ounces of zucchini, squeezed it dry and added it to my egg whites.  Its Wisconsin American cheese on top! 😀

i scoop out as much bread as possible - this roll weighed in at 2.5 ounces

And it was birthday treat day yesterday at my office.  While I was eyeing the chocolate chip muffin, I grabbed some fruit:

Fresh fruit just makes me think of summer for some reason!  But it is definitely still winter here.  My friend and I walked outside for 45 minutes yesterday – we have to walk through this snow path to get to the road where we walk:

There are a few hills too:

It was close to 40 degrees – I almost took my jacket off at the end of the walk because I was hot!  Now I am just waiting for all the snow to melt! 😀

I had shrimp stir-fry for lunch.  I used 1/2 a package of yaki soba noodles (only 75 calories and 15 carbs) and tossed that with 3 ounces of shrimp, 3 ounces of broccoli, 3 ounces of broccoli slaw, and 2 tablespoons House of Tsang schezchwan sauce – delicious!

the shrimp were so good! I put cracked pepper on them before cooking - nice and spicy!

But around 4:00 I was STARVING!  I looked in my desk drawer, and ate about 1 ounce of Sophia’s granola – that hit the spot!

Can I say how much I love leaving work when it is still light out??!!

Hannah and I had our final meeting about the German Exchange program last night – our student will arrive in one month!!   We pick her up at the airport on March 18 – have a welcome dinner on my birthday – March 19!   She’ll be with us for 3 weeks.  She sent Hannah and email that said “tell your Mum I don’t expect a hot meal every night.”  She has no idea what she is in store for!

So dinner was quick – last summer I made gyros burgers and they turned out really good!  While I missed the flavor of the grill, these were still good.  The only thing I did differently was add a teaspoon of this:

I have no idea what’s in it, because the ingredient list says “spices.”  Thanks!

any guesses what's in there? I see pepper . . .

I had the deep fryer on the counter (I must put that away!) so I hand cut some potatoes and had fries on the side – mine weighed in at 1.5 ounces – on caloriecount I just enter them as 1.5 of McDonald’s fries.

My burger:  3 ounces of beef, 1 arnold thin, cucumber on the bottom and 1 tablespoon of tzatziki sauce.

Before our meeting, Hannah and I went to 7-11 to cash in my lotto winnings and pick up some coffee.  I found a new International Delight flavor – love it!

so I need to add about 60 calories to my total for yesterday! 😀

And it was a magazine day yesterday!!!

I am especially interested in reading this article though!

Stats for Thursday:  45 minute walk at lunch

I got an A!! 163 carbs - not too bad my first day of reducing that!

So today is meatless Friday – my husband celebrates lent.  On the menu tonight?  Shrimp pizza with garlic chips! (mine will have pepperoni!) 😀

Do you celebrate lent?  What are your meatless dishes??