As soon as I walked into my office yesterday, someone had brought in two dozen of these:

Does everyone know what these are?  They are heaven on a plate – it was paczki day yesterday!  This one happened to be filled with boston cream – I brought this one home for Tony and Hannah to share.  It wasn’t until someone linked in to my last year post – I forgot I had made baked paczki’s!  I am going to have to try those again!

I stuck with my breakfast I brought – eggs in a bread bowl – which I’ve made before, but recently saw on Cathy’s site – and when whole wheat rolls were on the $1 rack, I knew I’d have it for breakfast.  Once I scooped out most of the inside bread, my roll ended up being 3 ounces, with 1/2 cup scrambled egg whites with spinach and a tablespoon of bacon bits, topped with 2% pepper jack cheese.  I cheated and cooked my eggs separately, then just stuffed and broiled it in my office toaster oven.  YUM!

With another grapefruit sent by my MIL.

I am trying to use up stuff we have in the house before going grocery shopping again, so I remembered I had a spaghetti squash to cook up – and decided to make another version of my spaghetti squash spinach lasagna.

mix 15 ounces fat free ricotta with crushed red pepper and Italian seasoning

I only cooked three lasagna noodles for the layers – first sauce, then spaghetti squash, then spinach, ricotta cheese, and repeat – ending with the last layer of noodles.

Finish with 1.5 ounces of mozzarella cheese on the top – then bake for 30 minutes at 350.

This makes 4 servings – each serving is only 263 calories! 😀

I also had a spinach salad on the side with a tablespoon of Annie's Goddess dressing - I am officially out now! 🙁

My friend and I actually walked outside yesterday for 45 minutes – it got pretty windy at one point, but the fresh air was wonderful!    About two hours after lunch though, I was STARVING!  Like I hadn’t eaten anything!  So I went to my cubpoard in the kitchen at work and came back with this:

An hour later I was STILL hungry!

I just entered my calories in this morning from yesterday – no wonder I was hungry!!  Before dinner I’d only had about 750 calories!! 

I decided to make chicken wings because we had them in the freezer – on the side I made a cauliflower au gratin, pretty much the only way I’ll eat cauliflower – I’ve tried to make the “mashed” cauliflower, but that tasted like ass – when your mind thinks mashed potatoes, it just isn’t going to taste good!

I used a recipe in this month’s Rachael Ray’s magazine:

love the bright white color!
The only differences I made was I reduced the cheese to six ounces, and subbed in fat free half and half for the heavy cream – that could have been my fatal error, because even after baking for 40 minutes, it was really runny on the bottom.
the top looked pretty though!
I had two chicken wings on the side:
Then quickly realized – I am almost out of Frank’s hot sauce??!!
Stats for Tuesday:
not pictured but added to the stats was a snickerdoodle cookie I ate after I mopped the kitchen floor last night - my blood sugar was 54! 🙁
45 minute walk at lunch.  As long as its above 30 degrees, I think we are going to try to walk every day!
Time to put my shit together and get to work – thanks to Hannah who made coffee this morning!!   😀