I brought a salad and some leftover mac n cheese for lunch today, but stopped in my tracks when I was going to the fitness center . . . the cafe in my building started selling soup this week and today’s flavor was cream of tomato.  Um, yes please!  I wasn’t expecting the slice of bread with it, but I can never turn down bread!

512 calories, 27 fat and 63 carbs
with the unexpected bread: 512 calories, 27 fat and 63 carbs

 Now about my new PR!  I made it to level 19 on the hill climb on the elliptical!  Is 20 the highest it goes?  I don’t even know!  But I did 40 minutes and the highest hill was at level 19.  Kind of like walking through mud! 

And someone had the travel channel on and I was kind of bummed because I usually like to watch my foodtv, but I was happy that the show that was on was Anthony Bordain (sp?) No Reservations.  I love that show!  And he was in Tuscany and it looked beautiful! 

A funny scene was when he made an “Italian” meal for the local film crew, and they looked at him as if he was crazy.  He made spaghetti and meatballs in a paremsan sauce and they looked at each other and in Italian said “I’ve never heard of putting meatballs IN with the spaghetti before!”  Needless to say they hated it!

Tonight I am making white chicken chili smothered baked potatoes.  I made the chili on Sunday, so its had a couple of days to get flavorful (hopefully!).   If it turns out good I’ll post the recipe tonight. 

I ALSO HAVE BIGGEST LOSER TONIGHT!  Fingers crossed that Vicky gets booted off tonight, she’s so annoying!  See you at dinner!