When I worked at a bar in my 20’s, during lent one of the cooks I worked with used to order a pepper and egg sandwich on Friday’s during lent. At the time I thought it was the most disgusting thing, but as I grown up, I’ve discovered I LOVE peppers! Yesterday’s breakfast was a take on that sandwich: a 1 point WW pita, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup sliced green pepper, 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup white corn, 1/2 an ounce of reduced fat cheddar cheese:
I topped it with spicy salsa roja:

For lunch I made lasagna roll ups: my mixture was 1/4 cup fat free ricotta cheese, 1/4 cup fat free cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pasta sauce, a bunch of fresh spinach and Italian seasonings. I used three lasagna sheets – 170 for all three.
Since the noodles were cooked, it was just a quick microwave – I had carrots on the side with Annie’s Goddess dressing mixed with balsamic dressing:

Are you the main cook in your family? While Tony is an awesome cook, I kind of shove him to the side because I love it so much. But what happens is that there are some dishes I just never make, simply because I don’t like them. Tuna noodle casserole is one of them, so while Hannah and I had veggie potstickers and stirfry vegetables, Tony had his tuna noodle casserole – he loved it!

In operation clean freezer, I discovered I had two bags of potstickers – these were vegetarian, and you get 7 for only 170 calories!

It wasn’t until after dinner that I realized I’d only had around 1100 calories, so I justified that I had the calories for wine. Crap! Approximately 319 calories of empty calories, but today is another day and I am not going to stress about it. Helen – tell me to step away from the wine! 😀
Thanks for all your suggestions about the reuben pizza – but I think MaryBeth had the right idea – Tony agreed that I should make an alfredo white sauce and add horseradish to is – we thought that Thousand Island dressing would taste gross when hot.
I ended up not watching BL last night in favor for American Idol! I love when people suck and they don’t even know it – but since the beginning shows are the only ones Tony will watch, he prefers the contestants that get so pissed off security gets involved!!
So even with the wine, here are my stats for Tuesday:
- 1,482 calories
- 21 fat
- 190 cabs
- 66 protein
- 31 fiber
- 35 minute sculpting ball Firm dvd
The lovely Christina tagged me with an award – come back tomorrow for 7 more things you didn’t know about me!
Also, a friend of mine at work has to go to a low-sodium diet – come back tomorrow for my first in a series of low sodium recipes: almond honey granola!
All that food looks great!
The first images reminded me of Menemen, I cooked it the other day and its very nice (and good for you)
Just chop up:
1 onion
1 green and 1 red pepper
1 tin of chopped tomatos
Cook until they start to soften then crack a few eggs on the top. Simmer for 10mins until egg is cooked.
Its gorgeous, good for you and is damn tasty!
You can also add chillies if you like spice!
Definitely NOT the cook in this house! Kev makes all the meals although I did try that crockpot lasagna the other night and it turned out OK. But he can whip anything together and it always tastes good.
Wish I could come up with yummy breakfasts and lunches like you do though. Those lasagna roll ups would rock my world. Silly question but how do you cook those? I always use the ones that you don’t have to boil LOL
Kev would like that tuna noodle casserole but not me! Oh and I’m going on a biz trip soon so Kev plans on having his NASTY and STINKY liver. Ewwwww
I followed your comment on my blog, Hill Country Mysteries, back here. Thanks for commenting.
I’m glad to find you. LOVE the lasagna roll-up idea! I have some whole wheat lasagna noodles in the pantry, gonna get the rest of your ingredients & try it this weekend. Thanks!
Will be following your journey. We’re running more and eating less too this year so I have a personal interest in your discoveries.
That’s so nice that you cook something just for someone. My mom ain’t that generous. Whatever she cooks, you eat! Haha!
LOVE the lasagna roll-ups! yuuuummm…
I am on a homemade granola KICK, I am so coming back tomorrow for that! Like I wouldn’t regardless … : )
I am making lasagna roll-ups this weekend! I can’t wait! I had never seen them until a few weeks ago and they’ve finally made it to the top of my “to try ASAP” list! Yours look wonderful!
great stats today! Don’t stress about the wine too much, you did great!
I love potstickers. I need to buy some soon!
Mmm, everything looks fabulous. I love the idea of lasagna roll ups. Hopefully you figured out the Calorie-count tool, but let me know if not.
I worked in a bar when I was 20, and I actually worked where the main entree was fish and chips. Lent was crazy! It was hard, but a lot of money 🙂 Probably sometimes more than I make now!
Wow, I had never thought about lasagna roll-ups. I am so on those !!
I love lasagna roll ups – I always make some with leftover noodles! Happy Wednesday Biz!
The peppers and eggs look so yummy! I lost 98 pounds a few years ago, and that was one of my favorite meals. Sometimes, I’d change things up and chop up a corn tortilla and heat it in a pan with EVOO until it got a little crispy, then I’d add my peppers & egg mixture. Top it off with some light shredded cheese and salsa. Divine!
(I’m new to reading your site. I love it!!)
Welcome!! 😀
I love the lasagna roll-ups, delicious! I actually cooked some extra lasagna noodles by accident and didn’t know what to do with them, now I have a perfect lunch idea for tomorrow, thanks!
That is very true… the thousand island probably would be strange warmed up! Looking forward to seeing what you come with cuz I know it’s gonna be goooood!! 🙂
Andrew is definitely the main cook. I can whip up quick and easy stuff for myself when I’m on my own, but he’s the one that cooks “our” meals.
Oh that pepper and egg thing looks sooooo good.
your meals always make my mouth water! where in the world do you find a 1 ww point pita?!?
My store sells pitas on a shelf in front of the deli – maybe check there?
What you wrote about the peppers made me laugh because I DON’T like peppers. I wonder if I’ll grow out of that?
Lasagna rollups? What a great idea!
Thank you for stopping by my site today and leaving such a funny comment – I thought I’d return the visit, and have stayed quite a while reading your great story (and about number one and number two). I’ve enjoyed the visit very much, and I’ll stop back by to try some recipes…
those lasagne rollups are so cute! i cant believe how quick & easy they were to make, great idea 🙂
Those lasagna roll-ups are SO smart! Love it!
Wow – I can’t image coming in at 1,400 with 300 calories of wine! You go!
I grew up eating peppers and eggs and will have to post I my mom makes them. We used to bring pepper and egg sandwiches to the beach with us so everytime I go to the beach I crave peppers and eggs with sand in them of course!
I used to make spinach lasagna roll-ups with chopped frozen spinach and loved them (and the recipe was from a diet cookbook so I could still eat them) – will have to try them with the fresh spinach…dang, yours looked good!!!
Seriously? 319 METABOLISM slowing down calories Biz! Step away – quickly – from the wine before it’s a daily thing girl.
Where I live in Pepper and Egg Grinders are a big favorite. (A grinder is a sub, hoagie, etc.). Your version would give all those flavors and not all those calories. Yum.
Love the idea for the lasagne rollups for lunch – I’m going to do that sometime.
BTW, I was telling some friends about your blog last night. They know how much I love to cook and love food so when I said, “The only way I can describe it is that it’s like food porn for me” They cracked up! I meant that in the very nicest way you know.
I’ll take that as a compliment Helen! Thanks for the encouragement! 😀
i love peppers with eggs, too! I still don’t like green peppers raw, but I used to hate them all, so I’ve come a long way 🙂
Egg sandwiches are my fave, I could eat them all day. I love the idea of the lasagna wrap. I never would have thought of that.
Yum, the lasagna roll ups sound good! I’m not a huge fan of cooked peppers, but I love to throw all kinds of things in my eggs.
Yay pepper and egg! haha did you see my reference to it a few weeks ago!? When I first moved here I thought it meant eggs w/ black pepper sprinkled on them – I was like “people PAY for that!??”
Johnny loves tuna noodle casserole too!! He makes it for himself using the tuna helper box and adding a bunch of extra broccoli. I usually have something else for dinner that night, too. I love seafood, but hot canned tuna just turns my stomach!
I love Goddess Dressing. I could probably drink it, LOL!
Yes, I’m the main cook in my family and I really like it! Can I just eat your entire menu for the day now? Everything looks so good!
Lovin the pepper and eggs – very hearty and nutricious meal.
Wow I love the look of those roll ups, delish!!
Tuna CASSEROLES ARE DELICIOUS. GIVE ME. NOW :D. Your husband is a good cook.
Woah those lasagna roll-ups look marvey.
Your dish sounds alot better than just your co-workers pepper and egg sandwich. Eek!
I haven’t made lasagna roll ups in a super long time, what a HUGE lunch for not a lot of calories! I guess I didn’t realize you could have 3 lasagna noodles for only 170 calories!
A blog about food…I am in love! I will be back and often to scoop up these recipes and just plain drool over all the lovel pics. Your recipes might help me in my quest to become healthier (and losing a few pounds would be a lovely plus!0. Thanks for popping by my blog. Hope you’ll be back!
I’m a potsticker addict…cannot get enough of them@
love the egg sandwich! i gotta start motivating myself to make breakfast like that in the mornings.. its too easy to just pour a bowl of cereal.
i dont watch american idol.. or biggest loser. how sad am i?