My Mom has spent the better part of four months scouring over home photographs.  Um, turns out my Dad liked to take a few pictures!!   She put together a box for me, my sister and brother.  What surprised me the most was letters I had never seen from family members who lived on the east coast who responded to my mom’s letter back in February of 1992, which basically said “Biz is going to have a baby and she’s not getting married.”  I read letters from my Aunt Bea and Aunt Selma, who basically both said they would be there for us, and hopefully I made the right decision.

I could never imagine my life without Hannah so I am pretty sure the right decision was made! 😀 

But I loved looking through the box of pictures she gave me.  I am pretty sure my Dad never missed a sporting event I was in.  That was the luxury of being an Artist and having your studio in our basement!  I started in the fall with field hockey, then indoor track, then outdoor track, and then softball, and then start field hockey all over again. 

At the end of my senior year, we had a field hockey banquet, and my Dad not only took all the pictures, but mounted them on foam core and had them scattered around the banquet – they were beautiful – a perfect compliation of 4 years of field hockey!  After the banquet, many of the parents asked if they could buy the photos, which my Dad happily agreed to and gave each person a “bill” for the photographs that people took home with them.

My Mom didn’t know this until today, but not one parent paid him a dime for the photos.  I was so mad at him!  I said “it was your photos, your time developing and mounting them, you need to call these parents and get the money that was owed to you!”  But he never did.   It still makes me sad to think of it today.

Here I am, I believe I am a sophomore because I still have braces!

Look how serious I am!  What's weird is I am two years younger than Hannah is now in that picture!
Look how serious I am! What's weird is I am two years younger than Hannah is now in that picture!

I always liked when he shot photography in black in white too.  I’ve always liked this picture too – this is my field hockey coach trying not to get hit with a stick!


Turns out if you live with your parents the first five years of your daughters life, and your Dad likes to take pictures, there may be several thousand pictures of Hannah!  This one is one of my favorites – she became a thumb sucker at the age of 2 months and didn’t stop until she was about 8.  She loved to twirl my hair while she sucked her thumb!


Thanks for all the pictures Mom!

So onto the CSA Loot! 

something I have never seen are "dragon tongue beans."  They are kind of purple - any suggestions??
something I have never seen are "dragon tongue beans." They are kind of purple - any suggestions??

I had such a great grocery shop – my store was having a huge meat sale!  I got:

  • 5 pounds of 93% ground beef
  • 10 pound whole pork loin I am going to cut into thick chops and a couple two pound roasts
  • 4 pound bottom round beef roast
  • 4 pounds of chicken wingettes
  • 5 pounds pork spare ribs
  • 3 pound whole chicken
  • 1 pound filet mignon (two steaks for tonights dinner)
  • 1 pound of 16-20 count shrimp (dinner tonight)

I spent $89, but this is how much I saved!

I saved 46 percent of my total bill - $74.82!
I saved 46 percent of my total bill - $74.82!

I decided to use my scampi butter that I got at the farmers market for our shrimp.  Every time I buy shrimp shell on, not deveined, I always curse myself for not spending the extra $1 a pound to have all the work done for you!

I just brought everything out on a tray - and yes, that is a glass of Pinot Grigio - you need to hydrate when grilling in 95 degree weather!
I just brought everything out on a tray - and yes, that is a glass of Pinot Grigio - you need to hydrate when grilling in 95 degree weather!

I just put the butter in a cast iron skillet on the perimeter of the grill while the steaks cooked.  Then I took the steaks off, grilled the shrimp, and then tossed the cooked shrimp in the melted scampi butter – SO GOOD!

the butter is kept frozen, so it took a few minutes to melt
the butter is kept frozen, so it took a few minutes to melt


filets this thick take just 5 minutes a side for medium rare
filets this thick take just 5 minutes a side for medium rare

My plate: 

absolutely delicious!  I have no idea how many calories - but butter every once in a while is worth it!
absolutely delicious! I have no idea how many calories - but butter every once in a while is worth it!

I am off to see if the White Sox can take the Indians tonight – its a tie game right now!  Hope everyone had a great Saturday and I’ll see you tomorrow. 😀