Since I didn’t do my normal grocery shop or menu planning this week, I’ve just had to wing it.  And while sometimes that’s all well and good, it doesn’t help if you have to resort to this for breakfast!


Yes my friends – this is the McDonald’s sausage biscuit.  I ate just over half before I looked up the calories, and when I did, I immediately threw the rest in the garbage!  The portion I ate came in at 258 calories!  I seriously thought that the whole thing was about 230 calories – boy was I wrong!  I got the apple and walnut salad, and ended up only eating the apple portion.


Breakfast came in at 315 calories, 16 fat, 6.9 protein, 35 carb and 3.5 fiber – even eating just a bite over half of the muffin – 49% of my calories were from fat – crap!

For lunch I had three tacos, which I pan fried at work with mostly Pam and 1 tsp. Smart Balance Omega 3 oil.  Each taco had 1 ounce of beef, only 1 ounce of cheese among the three, and sliced peppers and lettuce as the stuffing.



It’s surprising what a tiny bit of oil does to the taco shells!


Lunch came in at 456 calories, 20 fat, 31 protein, 35 carbs and 5 fat. 

I had no idea what I was going to make for dinner.  I knew I had to stop at the store on my way home – I lucked out and picked up a marinated petite tenderloin for $10!  I also got 8 jumbo shrimp for $4.


I also sliced up some zucchini to grill on the side.


Tony gave the shrimp some seasoning while they waited to grill – some had the shell on, some – not so much:


My plate: About 5 ounces of beef, 4 shrimp (2 not photographed!) and my zucchini with a drizzle of my Mom’s basil pesto:


I just love beef rare!  It has so much flavor that way!  I am sure my sister is about to throw up in her mouth a bit when she sees this pic!  She usually cooks her meat pretty well done for her family!

So while I still came in around my calorie budget, my percentage of calories from fat was still 45%.  Damnit!  No wonder everything tastes so good!  I am off of work tomorrow, so I am going to have to plan a little bit better for next week!

Stats for the Day:

  • 1328 calories
  • 61 fat
  • 86 protein
  • 80 carbs
  • 11 fiber
  • 45% calories from fat, 28% protein and 26% carbs
  • 40 minute jog/run at the office gym – while watching Bobby Flay make saketini’s and teriyaki chicken! 😀

Plans for Tomorrow

  • laundry
  • give the dog a bath
  • clean out my car and vacuum it
  • garage sales?  I’ve hardly been to any this summer!
  • thrift store
  • definitely hitting up the gym!

Don’t forget – tomorrow is the last day to enter my one year blogiversary giveaway!   I’ll pick a winner tomorrow night after dinner. 

Off to watch Top Chef – we never got a chance to watch it last night!  See you tomorrow night! 😀