We used to have DirectTV, which meant that we got EVERY football game no matter who was playing!  But when my PIL bought us a HD t.v. last Christmas, we decided to upgrade to DirectTV high definition.  Um, turns out the installer took one foot out of the his truck, walked about 20 seconds around the house and said, “it won’t work where you live” and got into his car and left.  We quickly said FU to DirectTV and switched to AT&T, but sadly, now my hubby doesn’t get all of his football games – but the he did watch the Bears tonight.  And what was the deal with the White Sox game only being broadcast on radio today??  Somehow the Cubs always get on t.v.!

But I digress.  We had a great day!  We went to the farm and got our weekly loot:



Then we stopped by World Market – I love that place!  Look at the tiny Tabasco’s they had!   Totally not worth the $5, but still cute!


And when we came home, I had this in themailbox – thanks to my parents in law!


I had several dishes to put together for our lunch tomorrow – I got a lot accomplished!  The pasta salad is done.  I love pearl mozzarella balls!


Then it was time to make my chips.  I thought about it, and the chips we normally buy are $3.50 a bag – I bought 3 dozen corn tortillas for $1 and got way more chips!  I just use my pizza cutter to cut into quarters.



Then I made my favorite salsa – but using the farm tomatoes made all the difference – probably the best batch I have ever made!  Fresh tomatoes make all the difference!


Then I made a batch of bruchetta with the farm tomatoes:


And then I made my mango salsa to go with the chicken tomorrow – turns out Tony has never had mango before and he did not like it!  I decided to leave out the jalapeno in the salsa, just in case the chicken marinade is too spicy!  I went to www.youtube.com to figure out how to peel a mango!


Then I made our Chicago Style Ribs – I ended up eating only about two ribs, but it was really good – so tender!


I am off to relax with Tony to see if there are any movies to rent.  Come back tomorrow for all my recipes for our lunch tomorrow! 😀