Do you ever wake up with a certain craving that you just have to give in to?? Usually its bacon wrapped deep fried hot dogs (I am not kidding, we are probably going to try it this weekend – we saw it on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives and we can’t shake it!)
But this morning I felt like . . . .FRUIT! So I gave in! Breakfast comes in at 348 calories, 7 fat, 17 protein, 55 carbs and 8.2 fiber.

I snuck in a bedtime snack last night when Tony wasn’t looking! So in full disclosure, I had a serving of pretzels before bed! 😀

I ate these pretzels while I watched a special on hoarders – people who just can’t get rid of things. This one woman in particular was so sad, her house was filled to the rim with absolute crap, her son is trying to help her, they load up his van to drop stuff off at Good Will – he’s proud of her! What does she do then? Dumpster dives all the way back to her house with a van full of crap!
My dad wasn’t a hoarder, but a packrat. He felt that in due time, everything that he owned would be put to use. In fact, when I had a birthday party for Hannah when she was five, we had a fashion show theme. I needed to put up a curtain between the living room and dining room so as to make a “back stage.”
My dad said “aha!” He went into the basement and came back with a long skinny piece of wood that he attached to each side of the archway, and then we put a sheet over it to make a curtain. He said “I’ve been hanging onto that piece of wood for 20 years – I knew it would come in handy one day!”
Morning break is over – its more Azteca Soup for lunch! 😀
Isn’t it awesome to have a fruit craving? I never, ever used to crave fruit like I do now – and I feel so healthy and virtuous for wanting it, haha!
I have never thought of adding Tabasco to my cottage cheese. Sounds delicious!
I’m a bit of a pack rat. It’s sometimes really useful to step back and ask myself: “Will I really ever use this again?” We did this with all of the stuff in our garage a little while ago and “discovered” lots of things that I’m pretty sure we’ll never need again. But then again, who knows when there may be a fashion show? We did throw away an old shower curtain… 😉
Cottage cheese, Tabasco, and pepper!! Excellent combination 🙂
Your breakfast gave me instant envy.
I think I’m the opposite of a pack rat…i don’t find sentiment in anything and don’t buy stuff i don’t have room for. I’m in trouble when i get a house.
You, young lady, are a food sneak!
Guilty! 😀
Oh, Biz, reading about the deep-fried, bacon-wrapped hot dogs makes me *really* glad we don’t have a deep fryer! Those sound taaaaaasty!
You’ll be proud of me: I finally made spicy oats! I wish I’d used steel-cut oats, but it still worked out okay. I made it with chorizo sausage. I found that the oats cut the spiciness of it more than I liked, though…I found myself thinking, “I should have done like Biz would do and added Tabasco!” 😉
I constantly struggle with being a pack rat. We live in a really small house, so in a way, I think it’s easier to be aware of how much stuff we’re “packing” before it gets out of hand.
Yeah!! Glad you tried them! 😀
Those peaches are so teeny tiny!
Azteca soup sounds awesome! Like a Mexican tortilla soup I assume?
Also, I’m giving away a SpiBelt (running belt with pouch) on my new blog, which recently moved from blogger to, if you are interested! 🙂
I think I saw that a few weeks ago – was the lady right around here in like Joliet or something?!
Mmm fruit! Not a big fan of cottage cheese, though..