Before I get on to dinner, I decided to throw a quick whole wheat pizza together for me and Tony.  My side was a few pieces of pepperoni and red pepper, his was pepperoni and sautéed mushrooms.  We split a bottle of diet root beer – perfect lunch for two!  I am tweaking this whole wheat crust and I’ll post the recipe when I get it perfect! 😀


After lunch Tony and I hit the store – I touch everything while he does deli duty – the deli takes the longest!  On the way home from the store, I yelled “I forgot to pick up the Greek Pork Kabobs!”  My store had the already put together, marinated and skewered pork and while I had it on my menu side, I forgot to add it to my ingredients to get.

So on to Plan B!  I did a quick google search and settled on this recipe.  I halved the amount of olive oil though!  See how many skewers are on this plate?  I made TWICE this much!  Seriously, I must have an underlying fear that people are going to show up at my door!  Never fear though, I plan on making Tony chicken salad for his lunches, so this won’t go to waste.


On the side I made rosemary red potatoes – they cooked in foil on the grill while the chicken cooked, then I just dab the tiniest bit of butter before going to the table.  Hannah took this picture 😀


I was on Tastespotting last week, and found this recipe from there – Goat cheese wrapped almonds and dates then wrapped in bacon.  The combination of flavors – salty, sweet and crispy and chewy, I knew I was going to make these for our picnic Girls Night Out tomorrow night.

All I did was take a pinch of goat cheese, wrapped it over the roasted salted almond, then sandwich it in between a sliced pitted date, then wrapped in bacon.  While a little tedious, it went together pretty quickly.


Broil until bacon is crisp.  I realized after the first side cooked that I needed to elevate the apps so they weren’t bathing in the bacon grease, and then it worked perfectly – it took about 10 minutes total for the bacon to become really crisp.  You can see the goat cheese peeking out!  Hannah took this picture too – thanks Hannah – you may have to become my food stylist! 😀


I’ve made so many messes in the kitchen today, but I need to make my blueberry lime muffins for tomorrow night – AND we have the Season Finale of Food Network Star – my vote is for Melissa!  See you in the morning – um, pretty sure I am going to have an egg sammie on my homemade jalapeno bagel tomorrow! 😀