Quick post – my boss is only in one day this week so we have a lot to get done before she’s off again.

I brought one of my jalapeno bagels for breakfast this morning, but the jalapenos fell off, so I ended up sticking them in my sammie!

  • 1 egg
  • 1 ounce Canadian bacon
  • 1 ounce cheddar cheese
  • jalapeno bagel
this was so good!  the perfect size bagel :D
this was so good! the perfect size bagel 😀

Breakfast comes in at: 417 calories, 17 fat, 27 protein, 37 carbs and 3.3 fiber.

I bought head-on shrimp at the grocery store, simply because it was cheaper by the pound and I was going to just peel it off anyway – don’t do it!  It’s totally gross – I am not going to go into it in case you are eating right now – let’s just say I won’t make that mistake again!

I could only bear to peel three, so this is almost a “mock” shrimp stirfry!

  • 2 cups broccoli slaw
  • 1 small zucchini (from CSA box!)
  • 3 small shrimp
  • 2 tablespoons Wonnie’s Korean BBQ sauce
  • 1 cups Uncle Ben’s whole grain rice (from the 90 second microwave pouches)
Lunch comes in at 328 calories, 4 fat, 10.4 protein, 64 carbs and 8.2 fiber
Lunch comes in at 328 calories, 4 fat, 10.4 protein, 64 carbs and 8.2 fiber

I have no idea what dinner will bring since its our pot luck Girls Night Out at Ravinia to see the Doobie Brothers.  The weather looks like it will hold out too – it was rainy this morning!  I am glad that Hannah is coming with me too!

You’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the recap of tonight – hope everyone has a great Monday and I’ll see you tomorrow! 😀