I am in the home stretch!  Another non-stop day, but I just kept my head down so I didn’t have to work too late 😀

I miss you guys!  I haven’t read hardly any blogs since Monday!  I was already warned I’d have to work late tomorrow night, so not sure when I’ll be able to post tomorrow – and I am supposed to have a double header softball game – not sure I’ll be able to go! 🙁

Breakfast was another zucchini egg white sammie – if you try this, make sure you squeeze all the water out of the shredded zucchini so your sammie doesn’t get water logged!


Lunch was leftover mac n cheese with asparagus – eaten while making copies! 🙁  It may have a splash of Tabasco! 😀


I thawed out some chicken, but the weather was kind of iffy – so I made fried chicken instead.  For Hannah I made chicken fingers:


I did chicken legs and thighs for me and Tony.  I had 1 leg, 1/2 cup of the rest of the mac n cheese, and some celery with ranch dressing.


I tossed the chicken in a tiny bit of butter, Franks’s hot sauce (I added more to mine on my plate!) and some parmesan cheese. 

I have no idea how many calories I had today – I’ve been too busy even to keep up with www.calorieking.com!  

I promise to catch up with you all over the weekend – we have nothing planned except for crab fest Saturday night with our neighbors – I plan on reading a lot, lying around a lot, and hopefully Joe comes over on Sunday – I plan on making homemade burgers Sunday!

I miss cooking.  I have no energy left at the end of the day lately!

Hope everyone is doing well – I’ll catch up with your lives over the weekend! 😀