Or better yet, Saturday??   While the day started out contained, as it progressed to lunch, it just got busier and busier!  I should keep my expectations that it is going to be crazy busy, and then consider myself lucky if its calmer! 😀

I tried making a chimichurri sauce, but with all cilantro – maybe I didn’t have enough, but I couldn’t get the right consistency in the food processor, so I am not going to post the recipe until I get it right.  Hannah on the other hand, came home from babysitting the neighbors kids and said “what smells so good on the counter!”  I explained what it was and she proceeded to dip crackers into it and said it was amazing!  Turns out we both LOVE cilantro – its a love/hate with cilantro – I worked with a girl once who said cilantro reminded her of the bottom of a birds cage! 


It was very garlicy too!  I will try this again though!

I knew Hannah wouldn’t eat the steak and that I had asparagus to use up, so I ended up making a mac n cheese with aspargus on the side.  So easy!

  1. 2 tablespoons butter
  2. 2 tablespoons flour
  3. 2 cups skim milk
  4. 2 cups cheese (taco cheese, which Hannah liked!)

Melt butter, stir in flour and cook for 1 minute.  S L O W L Y add the milk until its thickened, about 10 minutes.  Add cheese and remove from heat. I ended up blanching the asparagus in the microwave and chopping it in at the end.



Creamy goodness!  My dinner was a cup of the pasta with 4 ounces of steak (I didn’t eat all of mine!)


Dinner comes in at 406 calories, 17 fat and 23 carbs.  I didn’t really eat a lot today, since both my breakfast and lunch were under 400 calories! 

Stats for the Day

I think I see an ice cream bar in my near future!

I already know tomorrow is going to be too busy, so I won’t be able to post until tomorrow night – hump day – one more closer to the weekend, right??!! 

New Season of Hell’s Kitchen Starts Tonight!