Weekends go by way too fast – I think we should always have a three day weekend!!

Last night I ended up making homemade whole wheat pitas – they could not have been easier since I let my food processor do all the work.  The recipe will be posted with dinner tonight – as we are having beef kabobs with tzatziki sauce on pitas.

I decided to make my egg sammie with one today, since I made 8 and will only need three for dinner. 

  • 1 homemade pita
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ounce provolone
  • 2 ounces deli ham 
424 calories, 19 fat, 29 protein, 33 carbs and 5.7 fiber
424 calories, 19 fat, 29 protein, 33 carbs and 5.7 fiber

I thought I was going to a doctor appointment with Tony this morning, but at the last minute he decided to go on his own, knowing that this is going to be a busy work week for me.  So I have no lunch!  We have a cafe downstairs, so I think I’ll get a salad and I may have roasted pepper soup in the fridge left over from last week.

Break is over – I won’t be able to post until dinner –  come back for Beef Kabobs and Grilled Asparagus!