Last night I made black rice, but my camera battery died before I could take a picture!  It’s jet black in the bag, but turns to a purple after its cooked – we all liked it and it reminded us of wild rice with the nuttiness.

I had two ounces left over so I decided to base my breakfast on that! 

  • 2 ounces cooked black rice
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1 ounce cheese
  • 1/4 cup fat free half and half
  • crushed red pepper
  • salt and pepper



I had wanted to put cooked bacon in before the bake, but I forgot, so I just topped with two crisp pieces of center cut bacon – I ended up crumbling it on top for a nice salty addition to each bite!  I love this!  So savory – the rice actually makes it taste creamy!


And I brought 3 ounces of my CSA strawberries on the side – they are tiny – but boy are they sweet!


Breakfast comes in at

  • 488 calories
  • 25 fat
  • 28 protein
  • 32 carbs
  • 3.3 fiber

Guess what I did this morning??  I WENT TO THE GYM!

I have derived inspiration from others!  First off is Jen, of A Prior Fat Girl, who did an AMAZING 99 minutes on the Stairmaster over the weekend.  I did just 15 minutes this morning and that was hard enough – you rock!

Then there is Lori, who is so close to goal after 2 years of losing over 100 pounds – she and her sister did a sprint triathlon over the weekend – way to go!  From 250 pounds to triathlon, now if you can’t garner inspiration from that I don’t know where you can find it!

So I ended up getting up before my alarm went off and started the day.  I had half of a kashi bar (with insulin) to give me the fuel I needed.  It was really good – half was 74 calories, .2 fat, 1.5 protein, 16 carbs and .2 fiber.


Then pulled into the gym at 6:55 a.m.!   I didn’t even get up until 7:45 yesterday!


It only costs our family of four $45 a month for this place!  And you can use it at any Cardinal Fitness!

I ended up doing:

  1. 15 minute hill climb on the treadmill – 3.0 mph at 8 incline
  2. 15 minutes Stairmaster
  3. 10 minutes elliptical
  4. 5 minute cool down

And still had plenty of time to finish putting my lunch together and shower and get to work on time – sweet! 

So my new mantra – one day at a time.   Just do the best I can in one day and in time we’ll see what the big picture shows!

Although I did want this for breakfast – someone brought in treats – I believe the bear claw is the best pastry out there, with an apple fritter in close second!  I only smelled it!!


Morning break is over – come back for lunch: Beef and Tofu Noodle Stir Fry!