Not quite sure what to say about the CSA, other than its kinda funky



First of all, Tony and I drive up, and we are the only ones there – no customers, no owners – I questioned myself on if I had the right day or not!  But the owner came out, told us to come around back and gave us a box – all the produce was in a cold room so they just left me in there with the door closed.  I know its early in the season for the Midwest, but there wasn’t a lot to choose from, and from the list of people who were yet to pick up, I wasn’t sure they would be enough for everyone!

I got:

  • a big bag of greens
  • 1 kohlrabi
  • 1 pint strawberries
  • 1 pint of fresh peas
  • a handful of fresh broccoli
  • garlic scapes
  • edible flowers
View Farm


View farm 2

After we picked up our stuff we came home because I had coupons before we went to the grocery store.  Remember how well I did at this grocery shop?  Well today I did one better – you are not going to believe all I got for the $104 we spent and the $85 we saved!!


And it was Meat Palooza – with sales and a $10 off coupon on meat purchases of $35 or more – we made out like bandits!

  • 2 pounds of Jimmy Dean Bacon (buy one, get one free for $3.99 and I had a $2 off coupon!)
  • 3 pounds of chicken wings
  • 1.5 pounds ground beef
  • 1.5 beef stew meat
  • 5 pounds of New York Strip
  • 3 pounds chicken breasts
  • 4.5 pounds beef ribs
  • 4 pounds chicken drumsticks
  • 4 pounds chicken thighs
  • 1 pound raw shrimp
  • 1 pound shrimp cocktail


We have a sealer, so I divided up the meat – I took out shrimp cocktail and one of the New York strips for our dinner tonight and then rest was sealed and labeled:


I desperately needed to clean our beverage fridge downstairs – while the upstairs fridge gets a clean sweep at least once a week, the downstairs fridge gets neglected.  But its all nice and clean now!


Before we hit the grocery store we went to Friday’s for lunch – I actually got something different! 


It was really good!  I asked for now tomatoes or onions though, and dressing on the side:


Way back in the early days of my blog, the bar down the street from us was burned severely due to an electrical fire.  It was closed most of the winter and recently opened a couple months ago.  Tony and I have yet to go and we are going to enjoy a couple beers there this afternoon – one of our neighbors owns it and he’s a really nice guy!

Hope everyone has as gorgeous weather as we do – perfectly sunny and 80 degrees!  Come on back for Grilled New York Strip with Acapulco Shrimp Cocktail!