While this meal does not look pretty, it tastes delicious!  I used up the rest of my spaghetti squash, and while I thought I would just top it with my homemade pasta sauce, I decided to go Southwest!

  • 11 ounces cooked spaghetti squash
  • 1/2 cup 4% cottage cheese
  • 1/4 cup liquid egg white
  • 1 ounce diced pickled jalapeno
  • 3 ounces chopped grilled chicken breast from last night
  • 1 ounce Mexican cheese
  • 1 cup chopped baby spinach

I just mixed it all together and baked it at 350 for 30 minutes – it is so spicy and good – and because the cottage cheese kind of melted, each bit was CHEEZY!  Um, I think you know how I feel about cheese! 😀

here it is out of the oven
here it is out of the oven

It kind of fell apart when I was taking it out of the pan, so I just scraped it into a bowl to bring to work:

I am pretty sure Tony would throw up in his mouth if I gave this to him!
I am pretty sure Tony would throw up in his mouth if I gave this to him!

Lunch comes in at 459 calories, 17 fat, 44 protein, 30 carbs (spaghetti squash was 20 grams by itself!) and 5.3 fiber.

With the rest of the grilled chicken I made Tony chicken salad – 2 cups chopped chicken, 1/4 cup ff mayo, 1/4 cup light blue cheese dressing, chopped celery, tarragon and salt and pepper – he tasted it last night and said it was good!

My baby is all grown up!  She already had her seni0r pictures and we got them in the mail the other day –

we are thinking of this one for the yearbook
we are thinking of this one for the yearbook
And this one for our purchased package for family
And this one for our purchased package for family

I think they all turned out great so it was a tough decision! 

My friend and I were not feeling Jillian today, so I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 3.5 mph at 7% incline, then 5 minutes of the rowing machine (which is HARD!) and 5 minutes of abs.

Lunch break is officially ovah – come back tonight for Balsamic Pork Tenderloin with Parmesan Asparagus!