It was already 86 degrees when I got in my car this morning!! I think I am going to suggest to my friend that we workout indoors today!
I picked up some egg whites yesterday so I can make my customary egg white sammie! When I was cleaning out the fridge last night, I was bummed to discover that 1/2 of the giant box of baby spinach Tony bought for me had gone bad – I saved what I could to make a spinach lasagna for lunch today, so my egg sammie is a bit boring today!
- Thomas light english muffin
- 1/2 cup egg white
- .8 ounce sharp cheddar
- 1 slice of bacon
- fruit salad on the side

I bought this at the cafe next to my office – $2.75, which I don’t think is too bad:

Breakfast comes in at 400 calories, 12.1 fat, 27 protein, 50 carbs and 9.5 fiber! 😀
I caught up on Food Network Star last night too – I think Jeffrey is my pick so far – the girl that is the R.D. is kind of annoying! 😀 Are you watching it?
Morning break is over – come back for lunch – spinach quinoa zucchini lasagna baked with cottage cheese!
Jeffery is great. and Katie…the RD girl is a little annoying. She writes on the Healthy Eats site…
I like Jeffery and Michael the best so far. But Jeffery definitely seems like he’s the front-runner.
I just caught up on Food Star last night, too! I wish they’d let both of those guys go home – both just get under my skin, the one rolling his eyes and the other w/ his constant lies.
I like Jeffery, Jamica, and Debbie. Michael is a little too flamboyant for me, but I wonder if that’s a new audience they’re trying to reach so they’re going to keep him around longer to give him chances. And I def. agree that RD girl is SO ANNOYING!!!
They’re having try-outs for the Next Food Network star season in Chicago on July 13th. I’m contemplating if I want to go try out. The stay-at-home mom has me thinking “I can do that!!”
Fruits on a hot day! Nothing wrong with that 🙂 Have a wonderful Wednesday!!
The cheese and egg combo could never be boring!
I didn’t even know that show was on until now! Thanks for the head’s up 🙂
That egg sandwich doesn’t look boring at all, I’m craving a nice breakfast sandwich now!