So as I was sitting in my comfy chair, trying not to move so I wouldn’t cough, wouldn’t you know it I was watching FoodTV!  Rachael Ray was on and she made these arugula and procuitto wrapped pears with fresh thyme.  They looked amazing!  I had all the ingredients and slowly made my way to the kitchen.   I was bummed though that my arugula I bought last week went bad.  🙁

I sliced 2 ounces of my homemade bread, 1 ounce of  pesto jack with spinach and made my grilled sammie with that.  I love tomato soup, Tony can’t stand it.   I had 6 ounces of soup (with big dashes of Tabasco!) with a sprinkle of Mexican cheese, and for dessert: the pears!

515 calories, 20 fat and 67 carbs
515 calories, 20 fat and 67 carbs

 Of course since I’ve been waiting to go to the doctor, I can’t help but google “dry cough” and I get a rainbow of possibiltiies from lung infection, pnemonia, oh, and if I am coughing because I am a smoker, stop smoking!  (I don’t smoke).  Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.  I just hope I don’t get Tony sick, that’s all he would need!  Fingers crossed a simple antibiotic will cure me.