Tony and I went to Trader Joe’s over the weekend and I stocked up on 0% Fage – its the cheapest place to get it, and even at $1.69 a container, it is totally worth it!

I did pay attention and did not buy the 10% like I did once, thinking it was 0%.  When I finished eating it I was like “this is the best greek yogurt I’ve ever had!”  Quick glance to the outside of the package and I realized why – my 6 ounces of yogurt had 270 calories and 17 grams of fat!

I actually hit up Mickey D’s on the way in for an Egg McMuffin to go with my Fage – I added 1/2 a banana to the yogurt and it tasted like icecream to me!

with the 1/2 of banana, breakfast comes in at 462 calories, 12 fat, 33 protein, 55 carbs and 4 fiber
with the 1/2 of banana, breakfast comes in at 462 calories, 12 fat, 33 protein, 55 carbs and 4 fiber

Today is a half work day for me!  Hannah’s last final of her junior year is this morning and we are celebrating by going out for sushi, going to a couple thrift stores and hitting up Deer Park Mall – Victoria Secret – here I come!  Turns out Hannah thinks I need a new bra and bought me a $60 gift card to VS – with her own money too!

I’ll post the rest of our day at dinner tonight.  Come on back tonight for Homemade Burgers  Happy Thursday all!