I decided to do my interval treadmill workout today – here is my cheat sheet I tape to the treadmill:

my warm up was at 3.5 mph, the moderate was at 4.0, the incline/faster was 4.5 and each sprint got faster, until I decided to make my last sprint last two full minutes at 7.0!!!
my warm up was at 3.5 mph, the moderate was at 4.0, the incline/faster was 4.5 and each sprint got faster, until I decided to make my last sprint last two full minutes at 7.0!!!

I really didn’t think I could hold that sprint for so long, but sometimes its mind over matter – I told myself I could and I did!

I managed my blood sugar perfectly too – whenever I know I am going to have a tougher workout, I have to raise my blood sugar so I can work out hard – today I ended up taking a bit less insulin with breakfast and pre-workout my blood sugar was 170 – perfect!  45 minutes later it was at a perfect 113.

I heated up my award winning 😀 Southwestern egg rolls for lunch – I ended up heating them in the microwave for 1 minute, then in the toaster oven at 450 for 5 minutes while I put my salad together – it came out almost as crunchy as when I first made them.

with a pile full of pickled jalapenos on the side - extra yum!
with a pile full of pickled jalapenos on the side (and yes I ate them all :D) - extra yum!

And if I do say so myself, my salad was restaurant quality!

  • 2 cups chopped romaine
  • 1.5 cups chopped baby spinach
  • 2 ounces fuji apple sliced
  • 1/2 ounce craisins
  • 1/4 ounce walnuts
  • 1/2 ounce goat cheese
  • 1/2 ounce sesame sticks
  • 1 tablespoon Annie’s Goddess dressing
  • cracked pepper and salt
Lunch comes in at 608 calories, 25 fat and 72 carbs - kind of high for lunch, but that still only puts me at 974 calories for the day so far
Lunch comes in at 608 calories, 25 fat and 72 carbs - kind of high for lunch, but that still only puts me at 974 calories for the day so far

Remember when I said I taped Oprah because the Biggest Loser contestants were going to be on – I didn’t realize it was a repeat from two seasons before – in any event, they had Ali Vincent on and since she’s maintained her weight loss, they asked what she normally did.

5 days a week at 90 minutes – then one day doing something fun with friends, i.e. hiking, biking, etc. and one day off.  She said she routinely starts with 30 minutes on stairmaster to get her heart rate up and then does 10 minutes of the row machine overhand, and then 10 minutes of the row machine underhand.

I tried to do the row machine today and could just eek out 2.5 minutes of each!   It’s been a while since I’ve done that machine and it is  A LOT harder than it looks!

Thank goodness I type fast!  Afternoon break is over – come on back for dinner: Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf for Tony and Teriyaki Tofu Stirfry for me and Hanners.  😀