Let me begin by saying May was mayntenance!  I weighed in at 160 exactly, down just 2 pounds for the month of May – and measurements are below:

2009 is Mine! Day 30 Day 60 Lost
Thigh 24 23 ¼ .75 inches
Bicep 12 12 0
Chest 39.5 39.5 0
Waist 39 38.5 .5 inch
Hips 40 39.5 .5 inch

In 60 days I’ve lost 7 pounds and a total of 6.75 inches – I can now wear my size 12’s comfortably, so that’s something!

So I’ve decided that my 20 minutes with Jillian has to be a staple in my routine every day.  I also need to get my a$$ out of bed in the morning to get the extra exercise in – that’s the only way this weight will move off my body.  I am proud that I am still heading in the right direction though!

In honor of my first of the month giveaway, its only appropriate that I offer yet another Jillian DVD – no more trouble zones!

Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones

All you need to do is leave a comment and tell me what gets you motivated to exercise – I need all the help I can get! :D.  I’ll pick a winner on Friday – good luck!

Busy morning – I’ll post breakfast with lunch – come on back for Teriyaki Shrimp with Zucchini Pasta!