I hardly used calorieking.com at all  over the weekend, although did  a great job at “guessing” on carbs and my blood sugar, although a tad on the high side (average 130) is not too bad for not micro-managing it like I normally do.

But I forgot my glucose meter on the kitchen counter – luckily I had this one mailed to me and I keep in my desk as a back up.

this meter is quick!  5 seconds and its ready - nice number too! :D
this meter is quick! 5 seconds and its ready - nice number too! 😀

Since my friend Renee and I were going to walk at lunch, I ate half of this so my blood sugar wouldn’t fall too far.  We walked for 45 minutes!

half of this bar was 80 calories and 13 grams of carbs - perfect!
half of this bar was 80 calories and 13 grams of carbs - perfect!

Lunch was leftover salad from yesterday – with Annie’s goddess dressing, 1/2 can Hormel turkey 98% fat free chili, .8 ounce colby jack and 1 ounce of tortilla chips.

I still have to find if I can buy Annie's by the case to see if its cheaper
I still have to find if I can buy Annie's by the case to see if its cheaper

And the only way to eat chili – on a tortilla chip with a healthy dash of Tabasco!

all together lunch comes in at 524 calories, 24 fat and 52 carbs
all together lunch comes in at 524 calories, 24 fat and 52 carbs

I only shopped this weekend for what we needed over the weekend – I have no menu, no ideas, no planning – yikes!

What are you having for dinner?   Afternoon break is over – see you tonight for ???