The grocery store on my way to work had blackberries for $1 a pint – marked down from $3.99!  I had to stop there anyway to pick up a birthday cake for our May office birthdays – I also picked up an angel food cake and fresh berries to go with it.

so sweet!
so sweet!

With my customary egg white sammie (no spinach though!).   I finally used the rest of my baby spinach in my lunch lasagna.   Breakfast is 1/2 sesame bagel, 1/2 cup liquid egg whites, pepper jack cheese and berries on the side:   331 calories, 10 fat and 36 carbs.

nice and spicy!
nice and spicy!

So whose watching American Idol – did you vote?  My sister tried but was never able to get through once!   I still think Adam is the front runner, but you never know!

Some people asked about the peeler that I used to make my zucchini pasta – I posted it here  so you could see what it looks like – it was a set of three that I got at Tuesday Morning, but its only the second time I’ve used this particular peeler – it tends to get buried in the bottom of my utensil drawer!

Morning break is over, see you at lunch for Spinach and Spaghetti Squash Lasagna!