We had a nice time in Wiscosin – its always nice to get away, even if just overnight! 

Before we left I took Ed on a 40 minute walk to get him tired out for the afternoon before Hannah got home after her work shift.

the trails are really green now!
the trails are really green now!
On the way, we stopped at one of my favorite fast food restaurants – luckily there isn’t one around us, so I take this opportunity every chance I get!
Long John Silver's!!  I got a 2 piece chicken dinner with the best hush puppies!
Long John Silver's!! I got a 2 piece chicken dinner with the best hush puppies!

We first checked into our room – it was really like a condo unit, it had a full kitchen (stove, full fridge, dishwasher, sink, etc.) and the living room had a fireplace in it!


The views from our balcony:

lake geneva 005

Lake Geneva is about 2 blocks from our hotel
Lake Geneva is about 2 blocks from our hotel

Then we went on out on the 2 hour boat ride – it was kind of chilly, but they put the plastic down on the sides of the boat and they gave us lap blankets as a gift – nice!  Tony and I actually dressed the part!  I picked up our hats at a costume shop near us.

I love this picture of us!
I love this picture of us!

They had a full bar on the boat and had a server walk around with apps.  I had this beer and it was amazing!

it was from a Wiscosin brewery - so good!
it was from a Wiscosin brewery - so good!

I had two of the shrimp cocktail – I liked that they were served in shot glasses!

Tony was my hand model!
Tony was my hand model!

By the time we got to the restaurant for dinner, and we had drinks and mingled, it was almost 8:30 by the time we had dinner – I was really hungry!

beef tenderloin with mixed veggies - the meat was really rare, which I like, but some other people thought it still looked like the meat was quivering on the plate!
beef tenderloin with mixed veggies - the meat was really rare, which I like, but some other people thought it still looked like the meat was quivering on the plate!

Once we were situated in our room before the boat ride, we went to the Piggly Wiggly to get some snacks and drinks and stuff for breakfast.  I ended up picking up a mutli-grain croissant with light cream cheese and yogurt:

lake geneva 012

Then after breakfast, I knew I wasn’t going to pass this up!  Look at the size of this jacuzzi tub!

it took about 20 minutes to fill up!
it took about 20 minutes to fill up!
this was complimentary so I used it!  I soaked for about 20 minutes - nice!
this was complimentary so I used it! I soaked for about 20 minutes - nice!

I unpacked our stuff, and then stopped by Walagreen’s to order prints for our firm’s photo scrapbook, then I picked up Wendy’s for lunch – I ended up getting a plain potato thinking we had Hormel turkey chili at home, but we didn’t.  I ended up cutting up some grilled chicken and added an ounce of cheddar cheese and taco sauce – it was pretty good!

of course I added Tabasco!
of course I added Tabasco!

Now I have to do my menu plan for the week and go to the grocery store – although cool, a sunny weekend was welcomed!

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday – come back for grilled chicken kabobs and grilled chicken!