Hannah had to work last night so it was just dinner for me and Tony.   My grocery store has a 50% meat sale every night around 5:00 for all the meat that has to be sold that day.  I was able to get two t-bone steaks for $5.30!  And this particular store just had a grand re-opening after remodeling, so they have amazing sales – was able to get 15 count per pound shrimp (I ended up getting 10 altogeher) for $6.80!  They were so big and good, almost tasted like lobster!

Since my lunch was high in calories, I had to keep this meal to under 450 – and I made it!  My steak actually weighed in at 4.8 ounces, so I cut off 1/5 of it and threw it to the dog at dinner!

  • 4 ounces steak
  • 4 ounces shrimp
  • 6 ounces New Potatoes
  • pat of butter for potatoes
I just marinated the shrimp in a bit of olive oil, garlic pepper and freshly grated garlic and a splash of fresh lemon
I just marinated the shrimp in a bit of olive oil, garlic pepper and freshly grated garlic and a splash of fresh lemon
while the steak was on the thin side, it was very flavorful and cooked in about 5 minutes
while the steak was on the thin side, it was very flavorful and cooked in about 5 minutes
since it was raining outside, I used my cast iron grill pan indoors - it makes for a smokey kitchen though!
since it was raining outside, I used my cast iron grill pan indoors - it makes for a smokey kitchen though!
my plate!  this was really tasty!
my plate! this was really tasty!

Then after dinner we just snuggled and watched t.v. and I was so comfy, I didn’t feel like getting up to post my dinner – gotta love when life gets in the way of blogging!!

Stats for the Day

  • 1404 calories
  • 52 grams of fat
  • 119 carbs
  • no exercise (It felt good though, I am not sore anymore!)

And this is my last post until tomorrow!  Tony and I are going to my office anniversary party in Lake Geneva later today for a 2 hour boat ride and dinner at a restaurant – hope everyone has a great Saturday and I’ll recap tomorrow!