Got up this morning and rode their bike for 30 minutes?  Yep, that would be me!   

It’s been so long since I have ridden my bike – it was hard!  And I never really remember how hilly my neighborhood is until I am on my bike!  It felt good though to start the day like that, and it was slighly on the cool side which made it even better.

Breakfast this morning was an egg white scramble:

  • 1/2 cup of egg whites
  • 5 ounces cooked potato
  • baby spinach
  • 1/2 ounce of herbed feta cheese
  • 1 whole wheat pita
splashed with Tabasco!
splashed with Tabasco!
It made so much, I couldn't stuff it all in the pita and ate the rest out of my bowl
It made so much, I couldn't stuff it all in the pita and ate the rest out of my bowl

Breakfast comes in at 347 calories, 6 grams of fat and 55 carbs.

My office has a huge selection of teas so I decided to try a new one out and absolutely love it!

love that its caffeine free too!
love that its caffeine free too!

I am planning on doing the shred at lunch today with my co-worker,  and then take the dog for a walk after dinner – when I break it up like that, its easy to 90 minutes of exercise in one day (30 minutes am, 40 minutes at lunch, 20 minute walk after dinner).

Hope everyone had a great weekend – come back for lunch – not sure how its going to work out, but I am planning on making a chicken taco in a flatout wrap with broccoli slaw on taco sauce!  See you later!