we are gearing up for some big storms tonight!  I am a scaredy cat when it comes to storms.  The first sign of stormy weather I am the first one with my glass of red wine to sit downstairs with the radio tuned in to see when its going to hit.  Tony, on the other hand, will get into the car and drive closer to the storm to get a better look!

This afternoon I actually felt like something sweet, which doesn’t happen very often!  I made my 60 calorie cafe mocha:

1/3 package of sugar free cocoa, Starbucks coffee and 2 tablespoons light whipped cream
1/3 package of sugar free cocoa, Starbucks coffee and 2 tablespoons light whipped cream

Then I had this bad boy in my desk drawer from my friend Ruth from a contest I won from her – thanks Ruth!

amazingly good!
amazingly good!

I had 1/6 of the bar for 40 calories.  At first I just tasted the dark chocolate (which I have only learned to love in the past couple years) but the heat didn’t come until a few minutes later – so weird and so good!

Thanks on all your suggestions on what to fix with the onion rings, and had Tony not had a burger for lunch, that would have been the obvious go to.  Instead I decided to make grilled chicken sandwiches with bacon and avocado.  Since my avo was REALLY ripe, I ended up putting it in a bowl with cracked garlic pepper, lemon juice and salt, and decided to smear the top of each bun with this spread.

the lemon juice prevents it from browning too fast
the lemon juice prevents it from browning too fast

I ended up having my 4 ounce chicken breast on an arnold thin, with 1 slice of bacon, 1 tablespoon of avocado and a side of onion rings.  Seriously, I could have these onion rings every night, and I can’t wait to make them for my brother the next time we are together!

suprisingly, this was a very filling dinner!
suprisingly, this was a very filling dinner!
no dipping sauce needed for these babies - just a touch of salt!
no dipping sauce needed for these babies - just a touch of salt!

Right now I am catching up on American Idol – I just watched last nights episode, and have tonights episode to see who makes it to next weeks final – I actually thought tonight was the finale!   My money is still on Adam – he is the most unique and talented singer I’ve ever seen in AI in all the years I have watched it – consistent week after week.

And we have the finale of Hell’s Kitchen tonight!  With the storms tonight, can I just say I am so glad we have AT&T Uverse so its digital and not the DirectTV satellite??!! 

Stats for the Day

  • not exactly sure, around 1500 to 160o
  • 20 minutes of shred
  • 15 minutes jog/walk/run

Okay, its getting scary outside now – I think I am headed to the basement!!