Wow, this week went by really fast for some reason! Although its going to be a busy work day 🙁
I didn’t make any of my food last night like I normally do, so I just threw some stuff together last minute. Tony and I stayed up and watched Hell’s Kitchen that we DVRd. Do you watch this show? My money is with Paula! I just think Danny is too young.
This mornings breakfast was a multi-grain Arnold thin with 1/2 cup egg whites, spinach and an ounce of extra sharp cheddar cheese, with a delicious orange on the side.

Morning break is over – see you at lunch – hope your work day goes by fast too!
Wow great breakfast.
Oh my goodness, those eggs look SO fluffy! Yum!!
This week did fly by! Almost too fast since I’m on break at the moment!
Hmmm. Does this mean that the stars are in line and both of the twins are together this weekend?
Your breakfast looks yummy!
I hope today goes by fast too!! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!
Thank you for your sweet email Biz:) I was so touched that you took the time to really respond to me. I’m going to work on the plan:) Baby steps and no hopeless attitudes here I come!!
Yeah!! Glad to hear it Janie! 😀