Our weather is awesome today!   Not to hot, not too cold, and before all the bugs come out!

You can never take too many pictures of pretty skies!
You can never take too many pictures of pretty skies!

After the soccer game, I finally broke down and got a new cell phone – my old one was three years old, and I held out as long as I could because I am not good with the technology on cell phones.  Hannah has a touch phone cell phone, and I couldn’t even figure out how to dial a number!  Then it was breakfast/lunch time.  I only had a piece of toast before we left.

Buffalo Wild Wings mini pulled pork sammies!
Buffalo Wild Wings mini pulled pork sammies!

The lighting isn’t good at all!  I forgot that I had them toss my pulled pork in hot sauce, then added additional Tabasco and the first one was way hot!  I ended up eating just the meat of the second one (three were a serving) ate half the cole slaw and was able to switch out a salad for the fries.  Not too bad!

Then Tony decided he had to take over the lawn duties today – he was just horrified with my attempt last week!

So green!
So green!
And Eddie's favorite thing to do - lay in the grass!
And Eddie's favorite thing to do - lay in the grass!

Today was the first day that I did the Jillian 50 minute work out, and it was hard!  You still have a chance to win a copy – just leave a comment on this post.   I was able to do about 90% of it – still can’t do full metal jacket push ups yet!   I was a sweaty mess by the end, so that means something, right?!

When Hannah came home from work we took a trip to Walmart – I desperately needed new workout shoes.  I ended up getting two pair – the left one is just simple slip ons for walking the dog – only $13!   The new workout shoes are actually Dr. Scholl’s brand and they have the gel built in the bottom – so comfy!


And now I am grilling!  Come on back for herbed grilled chicken, giant salad and grilled corn on the cob!

I tucked all the herbs under the skin - with whole garlic cloves too!
I tucked all the herbs under the skin - with whole garlic cloves too!

See you later – hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!