Hannah has a half day today, so she is picking me up for lunch, but a bit later than usual.  I am out of spinach (although Tony warned me that there was a salmonella outbreak, so check your spinach packages here).

Breakfast was 2.5 ounces of Panera’s delicious sourdough bread, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 ounce deli ham and 1 ounce extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I put it in my office toaster oven for about 10 minutes – so good!  I ate that 4 hours ago, and I am not the least bit hungry yet!  I may just get a cup of soup when we go out.

This giant sammie comes in at 384 calories, 12 fat and 36 carbs
This giant sammie comes in at 384 calories, 12 fat and 36 carbs

So on a break yesterday, doing my usual blog reading,  I came upon the most delicious looking brownies.  Cathy at noblepig is never one to disappoint, and while I tend to never make sweet desserts, I knew all I needed to buy was the dark chocolate and the rest of the ingredients were at home.  So after dinner, even after Hannah went to bed last night, 45 minutes later Tony and I snacked on these:

this is a small coffee cup plate - my piece was about half that size - and definitely insulin worthy!!
this is a small coffee cup plate - my piece was about half that size - and definitely insulin worthy!!

So if you are having a Kentucky Derby party tomorrow, you must make these!  

Alright, my break is over – then lunch with Hannah and an early office softball game tonight, so my next post won’t be until later tonight.   Hope everyones work day Friday goes by fast!!