First problem was that my breakfast was so sweet to me, I couldn’t finish it – which resulted in a second problem – low blood sugar!  I calculated how much insulin I would need to cover the breakfast (which was a lot by the way at 74 grams of carbs!) but if you don’t eat enough to match the insulin, it results in low blood sugar.

Around noon I could feel the sweat start, and sure enough, I was 42 and sinking.  My first thought was to go get chocolate from our office candy dish, but then had a better idea:

Pure apple juice to the rescue!  With 36 grams of carbs, this did the trick so I could work out!
Pure apple juice to the rescue! With 36 grams of carbs, this did the trick so I could work out!

Day 28 of 30 Day Shred is complete!  I worked out with someone from the building next to ours – she saw us working out and asked to join in, so today we did level 1.  And you know what??  It was easy!  Well, easier than level 3 – and to think that 28 days ago I couldn’t do the whole thing without stopping!

Now on to lunch.  Tofu noodles are not for everyone.   I believe Hannah told me they tasted like worms when I had her try them once!  There is an odd texture and “funky” smell to these noodles. 

That being said I love them!  It was kind of tricky because I don’t have a strainer at work (may have to stock that for the future!) because you really have to rinse these noodles off.  If I were at home, I would have run them under cold water, then “towel dry” them with paper towels and then microwave for one minute.

This is two servings (which I made one for me!) at 20 calories per serving!
This is two servings (which I made one for me!) at 20 calories per serving!
Lunch (with my spinach salad) comes in at 452 calories, 29 fat and 25 carbs
Lunch (with my spinach salad) comes in at 452 calories, 29 fat and 25 carbs
Tony thinks I like baby spinach too much!
Tony thinks I like baby spinach too much!

It was the last of my Cincinnati Chili – lunch was delicious!

Leah is the new hostess of this weeks BSI Challenge – check out her blog later today to find out this weeks secret ingredient.

Okay, luckily I can type fast because lunch is almost over and I need to clean up my dishes.  Come on back tonight for Cheese Ravioli with Classic Italian Meatballs!   

And its BizTV again tonight – both Biggest Loser and American Idol – looking forward to Ron being kicked off and hearing Adam sing!