I slept as long as possible this morning – yes, yet again, I decided it was a good idea to stay up until midnight watching Anthony Bourdain travel through the Philippines!   It was a good show, interesting food, but I easily could have DVR’d it and gone to bed!

So breakfast and lunch was sort of “thrown” together with whatever was within easy reach.  I’ve been seeing yogurt parfaits all around food blog land and decided to give it a try.  I am curious if this will hold me as well as my beloved eggs and cheese!

  • 8 ounce vanilla yogurt
  • 2.5 ounces strawberries
  • 3.0 ounce chopped apple
  • 1.5 ounces Organic Path Pumpkin Seed Granola
  • squirt of whip cream 😀
This breakfast comes in at 421 calories, 9 fat and a whopping 74 carbs!
This breakfast comes in at 421 calories, 9 fat and a whopping 74 carbs!

I am not sure I’ll fix this again, or if I do, maybe have half as much.  By the end it was SO sweet – ever since becoming diabetic, my sweet tooth has been switched to savory, hence when my love affair with cheese was born!

Morning break is over – come back for Cincinnati Chili with Tofu Noodles!