this morning!  I set my alarm to go to the gym, but I was so comfy I didn’t want to get up, so I didn’t!  😀  So I fell back asleep for another hour and 15 minutes! 

I do plan on doing Shred at lunch today, and will take the dog for a long walk after our Sushi dinner out tonight.  He was so tired after our walk yesterday, we almost had to help him climb up on the couch!  But it is so good for him to take the walks, especially the older he gets.

I threw a lot of stuff in a bag for food today.  This morning was my typical egg white sammie, although I am out of both zucchini and baby spinach already this week!  So 1/2 Lender’s bagel, 1/2 cup egg whites, .8 ounces provolone cheese with Tabasco:

cheesey goodness!
cheesey goodness!

With delicious strawberries on the side:

Altogether breakfast comes in at 276 calories, 7 fat and 30 carbs
Altogether breakfast comes in at 276 calories, 7 fat and 30 carbs

Thanks for all your well wishes for Tony yesterday – we both appreciate it very much!    Morning break is over – come back for my mystery lunch!