So proud of myself that I got up and got my ass to the gym . . . two days in a row!  I am a cardio queen, so I knew it was time to get my strength training on.  I ended up doing 30 minutes of lower body strength training and 10 minutes of abs on 4 different machines – this ab crunch machine kicked my ass abs!  In my mind that’s kinda what my abs look like in real life. 😀  Well, if I had blonde hair.

I am actually a bit sore this morning, but not too bad.  I didn’t go to the gym this morning, but hope that Hannah can hang with me tonight for a bit and we’ll go tonight 😀

I forgot to mention that both mornings I’ve had 1/2 a banana as my fuel – it doesn’t spike my blood sugar because my exercise offsets it – although I still take a 2 unit dose of insulin so my blood sugar doesn’t skyrocket first thing in the morning.

When I got to work I was so hungry!  I made two breakfast tacos – 2 corn tortillas, 1 real egg, 1/4 cup egg beaters, baby spinach, red pepper and 1/2 ounce of cheese – this plate comes in at 8 WW points – the cherries were on sale for $1.99 a pound – score!

It was another gorgeous day – 50 degrees when I went on my 45 minute walk – nothing but blue skies and sun!

Although I read online that our temps are going to nose dive by Thursday and we may have our first significant snow fall – boo. 🙁

I saw a recipe for a beef and butternut chili recipe.  Although I tweaked it – a lot – so much so that I just kept adding things to the pot until it tasted good.  So I haven’t got a recipe – and I blended the squash in the base of the chili, so it almost came out more soup like than chili like – this bowl is 6 points, with the chips, lunch comes in at 10.  And you can’t have too much cilantro for me!  I know a lot of people think cilantro tastes like the bottom of a bird cage.

Thanks for all your continued well wishes for Tony – he goes back to the doctor on Thursday – he’s had a drainage tube in for a month!

So I present you with another episode of Biz Food! (UM, AND TONY FOOD!)

While I normally don’t hesitate to bring up the deep fryer to fry up some chicken, I decided to bake my chicken wings.  The secret to baking chicken wings, is that you have to parboil them first – otherwise you end up with a super well done outside, and they aren’t done on the inside – ew.  While these won’t be as crispy as if they were battered in flour, these WERE DELICIOUS!  No chewy skin, super flavorful – worth the points. 😀

Baked Chicken Wings

  • two servings of 3 wings each: 352 calories, 24 fat, 6.3 carbs, 0 fiber and 25 protein, or 9 WW points


  • 6 chicken wings
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/8 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • 1 teaspoon Frank’s hot sauce
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Fill a pot half way with water, then add the salt and cayenne pepper – bring to a boil (careful not to put your face over it – you’ll spice your eyes out!) – once to a boil, add wings and boil for 15 minutes, then drain.

Meanwhile, mix the remaining ingredients together and heat in the microwave for about 45 seconds, or until the butter is melted.  Preheat the oven to 450.

Using an oven safe cooking rack on top of a jelly roll pan, place the wings on the cooking rack, brush with sauce and bake for 15 minutes.  Turn the wings over and then use the rest of the sauce on the second side, and bake an additional 10-15 minutes.

I am sure you are wondering what Tony asked for dinner??  Kentucky Fried Chicken Wings!  I double breaded these wings and cooked his in the deep fryer.

I was going to make oven baked fries, but since I already had a baked potato in the fridge, I decided to make it into french fires and cooked them up quick in the deep fryer.  All together dinner comes in at 13 points.

You can tell I am a professional photographer because I made sure the coffee creamer got into almost all the dinner shots – ha! 😀

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 31 points
  • 40 minute strength training, included 10 minutes of abs!
  • 45 minute walk at lunch
  • average blood sugar 147

Question of the Day:  Can you eat meat off a bone?  My brother and twin sister both get grossed out by eating any meat off the bone – bone in pork chops, ribs, chicken wings – what’s wrong with them?  😀  So that’s why I am pretty sure I am my Mom’s favorite child.

Here is a print friendly version if you want to print out the recipe – I am having a problem with recipage not saving my recipes. 🙁