I have thought about joining a CSA since last summer when I started reading so many good things on other food blogs.  I did a google search and found one near me.  The only thing is that I have decide if I am going to do all three seasons, or just pick one season to see if I like it.

UPDATED:  This is what a CSA is, for those who might not know 😀

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a “membership” or a “subscription”) and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.

My inclination is to choose the “summer” season, because I know tomatoes will be in the offering and I will can a lot of salsa and pasta sauce for the winter.   The “spring” season offers “plants and produce.”  I am not good with plants, I kill just about anything that enters my house.  The “fall” season offers produce and pumpkins. 

Which season would you pick, or would you pick all three?

I just threw stuff in a bag this morning and this is what I’ve come up with.  Two chicken tacos with red peppers, a 1.5 cup of tomato soup and apples and grapes.  Not very exciting – I know!  


I ended up only using one of the corn tortillas, they were a little dry
I ended up only using one of the corn tortillas, they were a little dry
Tony can't stand the smell of tomato soup, so I save it for work - lunch comes in at 511 calories, 14 fat and 67 carbs
Tony can't stand the smell of tomato soup, so I save it for work - lunch comes in at 511 calories, 14 fat and 67 carbs

We are going out for sushi tonight – Tony saw my menu board and saw that tonight I had planned on making beef and broccoli with shrimp wonton soup and quickly stated that he would be out of town on Thursday!  I suggested sushi and both Tony and Hannah were a bit too quick to ditch the menu board!   I can freeze the beef for another use. 

Both of my co-workers could not shred at lunch today, so I decided to switch it up.  Since my lazy a$$ didn’t get up this morning, I did 45 minutes of walking/running on the treadmill at lunch, and then plan to do shred tonight either before we go to dinner, but most likely after dinner.  I need to earn my sticker!!

See you after sushi!