There are just some nights when I just want to put something quick together – that, and I forgot to marinate my flank steak for my Asian flank steak recipe!!  That will be tomorrow!

I almost always have time to go on the computer in the morning before work, but today since I went to the gym, I didn’t have time.  Look what I found on my keyboard from Hannah after dinner?

Thanks Hanners!
Thanks Hanners!

So my dinner tonight was 1.5 ounce Italian bread, .6 ounce provolone, 2 ounces deli roast beef, 3 ounces of oven fries and cucumbers on the side. 

perfect size!
perfect size!
I forgot the first step in this recipe, which is to cover the pan with foil for the first 10 minutes to steam the potatoes - they were good, just not as crispy
I forgot the first step in this recipe, which is to cover the pan with foil for the first 10 minutes to steam the potatoes - they were good, just not as crispy
nice and crisp!  I added 1 tablespoon ff ranch and salt and pepper at the table
nice and crisp! I added 1 tablespoon ff ranch and salt and pepper at the table

Dinner comes in at 462 calories, 11.6 fat, 22.8 protein, 54 carbs and 3.1 fiber.

Not pictured today was my pre-workout snack which was  South Beach chocolate cereal bar – it wasn’t too bad and only 140 calories and 15 grams of carbs.  Also not pictured was 1 cup of the last of my red pepper soup I had at work along with 1 ounce of pretzels – I was really starving this afternoon!

Stats for the Day

  • 1475 calories
  • 41.9 fat
  • 92.8 protein
  • 185 carbs
  • 19.8 fiber
  • 25% calories from fat, 25% protein, 50% carbs
  • 45 minute spin
  • 20 minute 30 day shred
  • 10 minute elliptical after shred
  • 15 minute walk with Ed after dinner

I like breaking up exercise like that because then it doesn’t seem too bad!

Another night of BizTV!  I think I’ll just watch Biggest Loser when I have more bank time on the DVR, I can really do without the gum commercials!   Hope everyone had a great Tuesday and lets hope its warmer in our neck of the woods tomorrow!