That is how I described my breakfast this morning! My good old egg sammie was half of my breakfast with the last slice of my hot pepper cheese – note to self – buy more!
I still had strawberries left so I decided to make the other half of my english muffin a strawberry waffle. I sliced 4 strawberries and laid them on top of the crunchy english muffin and then drizzled sugar free pancake syrup over top.
I’ve tried a lot of sugar free pancake syrups, but Smuckers brand is by far the best! You don’t have any aftertaste that some syrups have and you can’t even tell its sugar free. And its only 25 calories for 1/4 cup!

Thanks again for all your well wishes and thoughts for Tony (and me!). When I talked to him this morning, he sounded rested which is good. They finally closed his door and left him alone last night.
Although there is some construction going on in the room below him, and like clockwork, at 7:00 a.m., the saws start up, drills, hammering – its ridiculous!
One funny thing Tony said to me was “I think the last girl who performed on American Idol was the best one of the group.” Um, you can tell he’s only got 4 channels to view for him to be watching American Idol!
Biggest Loser Spoiler Alert
Okay, got caught up on BL and how about Aubrey gaining so much weight as soon as she got home?? But it looks like she got her act together – its got to be hard having that many kids and still take time for yourself. And if Ron tells one more person they have to go home to be with their family, how about you going home and helping your other son??!!
Okay, morning break is over. Come back for lunch: Taco Salad with Salsa Verde Ranch Dressing!
Your food pictures make me drool. Especially when they contain cheese or bread.
I’m glad to get a syrup recommendation, I haven’t been able to find a sugar free one that I like either, but I haven’t tried Smuckers. I’m glad that everything is going well!
Glad that things with Tony seem to be good! Great idea for the “strawberry waffle”.
Oh, glad to hear that Tony is doing well and feels rested, even with the construction going on in the hospital.
Both the hot and the sweet breakfasts look really tasty! I’ll have to try the Smucker’s sugar-free syrup when my current one runs out. I had no idea what to get when I was at the grocery store, and I like the one I did get pretty well (and of course forget what brand!), but it would be good to compare. It’s nice having some syrup on my french toast again, I was using the sugar-free jam. (Which is good, but I like the option to have syrup.)
i havent watched the episode yet but i hate when ron talks about it being “your time” to go back to your family. i think all the people he has said that to are such strong competitors and the main reason that he has stayed so long is because he has that alliance that has got him this far. not that he hasn’t done an amazing time, i just think it’s the only reason mandy went home originally!!! whew. now i cant wait to watch so i can get all up in arms LOL
i have a vanilla bean natural maple syrup that i use all the time, but maybe i will have to check out this brand when i use it up!
Aww it’s so adorable that Tony watched AI. And I’m glad he got some rest! 🙂
Mmm…that melty cheese looks delicious!
Your egg sammies always look delicious, I need to make some time in the morning for that!
yummy bfast 🙂
and lunch sounds great! i’ll definitely be checking in!
Your breakfast is the best of both worlds 🙂