Do any of you belong to It’s a place where you can offer things you don’t need as opposed to throwing things away in the garbage. Most of the stuff I don’t need – but I do get a kick out of people who request “if you have a laptop laying around you aren’t using, I’d be happy to pick it up!”
But a few years ago something came across that caught my eye – it was a deep freezer. I’d always wanted one of these! So I immediately emailed the guy and happened to be the first one! So for the cost of gas and the hassle of getting into the the truck and into the basement (I originally was going to do it by myself, but luckily Tony had more sense than me and came with!) I absolutely love it.
It’s has scratches on it, but it was clean on the inside. The only problem is that it is HUGE and you could literally put bodies in there – in fact I can’t even reach the bottom and need a step stool to get things. What’s my point with this post you may be asking? Today for lunch I am enjoying 3/4 of a cup of red lentil chili that I found this morning that I made last September! It’s just as good today as it was back then!

Lunch comes in at 522 calories, 15 fat and 69 carbs.
So my trip to Fresh Market was successful! Come back tonight to see how the Tempura Battered Ahi Tuna with Avocado Wasabi Sauce and Tempura Veggies turns out!
Can you believe another Friday is here and I am not making pizza??!! Lunch break is over – See you tonight!
I don’t think we could survive without our deep freeze, don’t you love it! It all looks delicious!
Yummy lunch! Can’t wait to see dinner!
I love our deep freeze. Unfortunately, I think it may be on its last leg I guess I need to head over to and check it out.
Have an awesome weekend! 🙂
I wish I had space for a big freezer… but alas, we don’t… can I rent space in yours?
I love freecycle! The “WANTED: laptop” ads are funny. I did see someone get a car though once. That was awesome.
My favorite was “men’s underwear – barley worn”. I guess there were a lot of responses. Wow.
I have cleaned out almost my whole storage space using freecycle. I’d been saving up all of my sons things – clothes, toys, furniture since they were born. The plan was a huge rummage that just never happened. It feels to great to see the stuff go to people who need it.
I have been watching for a deep freezer for about 8 months now. Still waiting, but I did happen to get us a snowblower and a Holland grill for my diligent checking.
Lunch looks perfect as usual, I too have a huge deep freeze and simply love it. So many things can go in and as you said they come out just as fabulous.
The freezer is my best friend in the kitchen! It makes meal time so easy and your lentil chili looks amazing!!
Thank you for your nice comment!
That chili looks really good!!!!
You know it is possible there were bodies in there…I thought I’d just throw that in.
But the chili sounds grand!
Ha! Maybe that’s why it was free!
It’s so nice when frozen stuff turns out just as good once it has thawed!
Love freecycle. That is how we got rid of an extra fridge that we had, and it went to someone that really needed it. It is so much better than having to just throw it out, when it could go to good use for someone else!
My deep-freeze died in The Garage Flood of 2008, the day after Christmas. I dragged it out to the curb on garbage pick-up day, but within 30 minutes it had been spirited away by some local Appliance Ninjas.
that is cool…except for the body-fitting capacity! haha creepy…Happy friday biz and family!
I’ll have to check out freecylcle! I’d never heard of it, but you mention it just in time. We’re in the process of moving me out of a shared office into a spare room – and that = lots of boxes and closets being cleaned out. You would die if I showed you pics of these 2 rooms right now. I was thinking “yard sale” but it’s not enough, and I hate sitting out there for hours sometimes.
So your dinner is going to be amazing!
Don’t you just love when you find a yummy meal like that?!
Mmm delicious. It’s so much fun to find things like that when you’ve forgotten all about them! Unfortunately that doesn’t happen to me very much. But that’s because being a student I tend to make something and it’s GONE in 2-3 days 🙂
Wow. Dinner sounds luke it is going to befabulous!
I too, have found success on free cycle. I got my dryer there which is like brand new. I do think its funny, because over the last few days, I’ve seen “4 bottles of unused nail polish” and then the next one will say “taken, 4 bottles of nail polish!” What?
Or, the other day some lady cleaned out her linen closet and said “make-up, feminine products, soap, shampoo!” Yuck! And wouldn’t you know, someone wanted it!
But, you can score there too!