One of the hardest things about being an insulin dependent diabetic is Chinese food.   You have no idea usually how its cooked so here is how I deconstruct mine!

619 calories, 14 fat and 86 carbs
619 calories, 14 fat and 86 carbs

 So I weighed everything that went on my plate:

  • 3 ounces cooked shrimp
  • 4 ounces shrimp fried rice
  • 3 ounces steamed broccoli
  • 4 ounces beef broth
  • 2 ounces cooked Chinese noodles
  • 2 ounces cooked chicken thigh
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

The soup was something new I tried called: Shrimp Yat Gat Mein – I google imaged it – although I didn’t even get any shrimp in it because the shrimp sunk to the bottom – so mine was just broth and noodles. 

Since I typically take all my food out of the sauces I order, I simply add 1 teaspoon of oil to the “plate” for stir frying, etc.  Then I just added everything into  While I am sure this is not a perfect way (or completely accurate) to figure out the exact calories, I think its pretty close!  What are your thoughts??

Stats for the day:

  • 1430 calories
  • 36 fat
  • 203 carbs (kinda high for me!)
  • 79 protein
  • 20 fiber

22% of calories from fat, 22% calories from protein and 56% of calories from carbs

I am still coughing a bit, and cannot wait for the cough to go away so I can get back to exercise!  At least I am maintaining my weight, so I guess I’ll have to be content with that for a while!

So my friend at work and I critiqued my BSI soup recipe and have decided to morph it into a Reuben Soup!  That’s in store tomorrow for lunch so be sure to check back in.   Even the few extra hours in the crock pot made a HUGE difference in the texture and taste of the kale – not bitter at all!

Great t.v. night ahead, plus we never watched Top Chef from last night!   And I need to clean the kitchen floor tonight too.  See you tomorrow!