Normally here’s how my evening goes.  Tony and I reconnect for a few minutes when I get home from work.  Next step:  lounge pants are put on, bra is taken off and tank top is put on.  (I am always hot, Tony is always cold).

I make dinner.  We watch Wheel of Fortune where one in every 20 games I dominate – and will gloat about my win for at least an hour.  I clean up the kitchen, download my pictures, put all my food into and then settle in to watching t.v. with Tony.  This process usually takes me about 30 minutes.

The night before last?  I was lazy.  All I did was clean the kitchen, so yesterday morning, in 60 minutes before work, I downloaded all my pics, entered my food, wrote my blog and published it and did 30 minutes of Classical Stretch.

By the time I looked up I had exactly 11 minutes to shower, dress, put my food together, replace my stinky gym clothes in my bag, AND put my food together.  So yesterday was another episode of “throw shit in a bag and see what sticks” kind of day. Open-mouthed smile  Thank goodness I am low maintenance.  I have to say, I couldn’t be more opposite from Tony’s first wife – he said she would need at least an hours notice before they could leave the house so she could do her makeup!

In my bag for breakfast?  A container of plain Greek yogurt, 1 apple, and a baggie of granola – parfait!  Since the yogurt was plain, I drizzled a little bit of sugar free pancake syrup over the top of each yogurt layer.  This glass comes in at 353 calories, 3 fat, 52 carbs, 4.9 fiber and 29 protein.

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Only one teeny tiny problem.  This was super sweet.  As in, when I got 3/4 of the way through, the smell of it made me want to puke.  I instantly brought my glass to the kitchen to clean.  I need to figure out how to make a spicy parfait!! Devil

Another teeny tiny problem?  I knew I was working out at lunch, so I adjusted my insulin so that I’d be in the low 200s before my workout.  Imagine my surprise when I saw that my blood sugar three hours after breakfast was 317!

So to the gym I go.  This gym is so fancy they have flat screen t.v.’s in the locker room.  I was literally standing in my bra and underwear when I heard a news segment about a local t.v. anchor who got an email from a viewer that said because she was fat, she was a bad role model.


I couldn’t believe someone had the nerve to actually write this woman and say that she’s a bad role model – she pointed out that he didn’t know her personally, she has a loving husband and three daughters.  Yep, she knows she’s fat.  I know I am fat.  And while I am trying hard to be healthier, I have had people ask me when I wear certain tops, when my baby was due, only to embarrassingly say that, “thanks, but that’s just fat.”

And it reminded me that a lot of us focus so much on what the number on the scale is, that we lose sight of everything else – almost like tunnel vision.  So I’ve decided that I am not going to weigh in again until November 1.  I know what I have to do to get the scale moving, but I am not going to let it rule my life.  What are your thoughts on the video?

I ended up doing a 2.25 mile run/hill climb in 30 minutes on the treadmill. The first 5 minutes was run at 5.2 mph, the next 5 minutes was at 3.5 mph, but at a 15% incline.  It was hard and I was definitely sweaty at the end!  I am still trying to build up my stamina after recovering from my bronchitis.


Lunch was the last of my chicken parmesan meatball soup – I had about 1/2 cup of cooked white rice leftover and tossed that in as well, so lunch comes in at 395 calories, 10 fat, 42 carbs, 5 fiber and 35 protein.

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I also thinned it out a bit with 1/2 cup of chicken broth.  I actually think I liked it better after sitting a few days. Open-mouthed smile

We had a Mexican fiesta for dinner!  It’s because the damn deep fryer is still on the counter that I decided to make beef taquitos.  My two corn tortillas had 1 ounce of cooked ground beef, tablespoon of taco sauce and 1/2 ounce of cheese, then deep fried.  On the side?  I made 2 cups of instant brown rice, and when that was done cooking, drained 1 can of black beans, 1/4 cup of taco sauce, dash of salt and pepper and the zest of one lime.

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This plate comes in at 469 calories, 19 fat, 43 carbs, 8 fiber and 30 protein.  With the leftover beans and rice I have a pot of chicken taco soup planned.  That’s lunch today and I can’t wait!

One snack not photographed?  I had a serving of baked ranch Doritos – they are actually pretty good and only 120 calories a serving.


Stats for the Day:

  • 1337 calories, 36 fat, 159 carbs, 20 fiber and 93 protein
  • 30 minute stretch before work (I am counting this as .75 miles)
  • 30 minute run/walk at lunch (2.25 miles)
  • 140.35 miles to go for my 170 mile challenge

Have you guys ever eaten or made paella before?  My blog friend Mary made some and not only does it look amazeballs, but it looks pretty easy to make.  I’ve never had it!


And not sure how I missed this one, but I am going to try to figure out a way to make this a bit more figure friendly – Kevin made a pumpkin mac n cheese with an amaretti crumb on top!  Not sure how I missed that because Kevin’s dishes always look amazing.  Hooray for pumpkin season!

I am curious what you’ll say about the t.v. anchor video!!  Make it a great day!

p.s.  I almost forgot!  Today would have been my Dad’s 74th birthday if he was still alive!  You can read about his 70th birthday on this tribute post.