I decided to make me and Hannah a frittata, since she wasn’t home the last time I made it.  It is so simple!

  • 1 cup shredded hash browns
  • 1 cup egg beaters
  • diced red pepper
  • shredded zucchini (make sure to squeeze out the zucchini in a paper towel)
  • 2 ounces mozzarella cheese
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • Pam spray

In my small cast iron skillet I heated the oil and Pam.  Cook shredded potatoes for about 7 to 8 minutes, or until they are starting to brown on the bottom.  Then sprinkle in red pepper, zucchini, egg beaters and cheese.  Place in a 375 degree oven for about 8 minutes, then finish off under the broiler for 2 minutes.  We each had 1/2 cup mandarin oranges with our frittata.

The whole frittata comes in at 400 calories 9 fat and 35 carbs!

just out of the oven
just out of the oven
285 calories, 4.5 fat, 45 carbs
This whole plate: 285 calories, 4.5 fat, 45 carbs
mandarin oranges are Hannah's favorite fruits
mandarin oranges are Hannah's favorite fruit!

So I am off to the grocery store.  My sister-in-law is coming over for lunch.  I decided on Cincinnati Chili Three Ways for lunch.   It’s basically Cincinnati Chili over spaghetti with cheddar cheese (you can also add dark red kidney beans and diced onions).   See you then!