Every once in a while I get a jones for pancakes.  Although my usual go to is eggs, Tony reminded me that we had this in the fridge:

Yep, pancake batter in a can!
Yep, pancake batter in a can!

My first batches didn’t turn out – I don’t know if it was the addition of the blueberries, or I didn’t use enough batter?


So I went back to the drawing board.  I reduced the heat and made the pancakes a bit thicker, then just added the blueberries on top.  I remembered that I had turkey sausage in the freezer, so I nuked three of those for my protein.

332 calories, 12 fat, 45 carbs
My 3 ounces of pancakes, 1.5 ounces of blueberries, 1/4 cup SF syrup and 3 sausage links: 332 calories, 12 fat, 45 carbs

 So since its the end of the week, I didn’t have any meat to go with Tony’s pancakes, but then I remembered I had bologna!  So I fried up some bologna on the side for him (yum!).  Guess what?  Tony doesn’t like fried bologna!    The dog enjoyed it though!

Morning break is over, even though its Friday it feels like Tuesday to me!  See you at lunch!