As I was blogging before work yesterday I was thinking what to fix for breakfast and lunch – towards the end of the week my meal plan gets a bit wonky and as I was typing I was thinking “I have a baked potato in the fridge and fresh chicken breast I need to cook up.”  I quickly got some rice going in my rice maker.  I cut up 4 ounces of chicken and sauteed that in a bit of coconut oil, salt pepper and once removed from the heat, I added sambal oelek.   Both the rice and the chicken got added to my lunch bag – I realized I didn’t have any veggie in the house that would go with a stirfry, so I knew I would accessorize my lunch later.

For the baked potato I threw that in my bag with 2 ounces of deli ham, a handful of baby spinach, and some Cabot sharp cheddar cheese.  Once I got to work, I cut the potato in half, dug out the potato and mixed that together with 1/2 a cup of liquid egg whites and the chopped spinach.  Cooked that for 1.5 minutes, just until the eggs are set. Then stuffed the potato jackets with the egg mixture, topped each on with an ounce of julienne deli ham, and shredded Cabot cheese on top – under the broiler for 5 minutes until the cheese is all melty – done!  Both of these come in at 331 calories and 26 grams of protein.

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Don’t you love my klassy paper plate?!

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My step-son snap chatted with me earlier in the week.  He did a treadmill workout:  60 minutes, 15% incline, starting at 4.0 mph and then increasing the mph by .1 every 5 minutes which if my math is right finished his last 5 minutes at 5.2 mph – at 15% incline!!!  His snapchat showed he burned 1050 calories and his comment on the picture was “just another day.”  Damn!

So my goal was to do 30 minutes at 15% incline at 4.0 mph – but guess what – walking 4.0 mph at that incline was a bit much for me.  I realized I sent a snap chat and not a picture to Joe, but I did 30 minutes at 15% incline at 3.5 mph.  My goal is to work my way up to 4.0.

Kym, these pics are for you.  I was at the gym at 12:15 p.m. and I was the only one in the fitness center!

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Joe gave me a thumbs up to my workout! Open-mouthed smile

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My plan was to get szechuan green beans from the Chinese restaurant across the street from my office to accessorize my chicken and rice.  When I called and asked for the green beans, I asked what was cooked with because the last time there was some sort of onion – shallot, onion – I don’t know, just something in the onion family.  She said “green bean, garlic and shallot.”  I said “okay, I’ll take that, but no onion please.”  She said “extra onion?”  I said “whatever onion is in it, I don’t want it, just the garlic and green beans” and then she said “okay, so I get you green bean, garlic and extra onion.”  I AM NOT KIDDING.  It didn’t help that she didn’t speak English all that well, but after another minute, I thought she got my order right and just hoped for the best.

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Super spicy and . . . NO ONION!  Whew.  That was 4 ounces of chicken, 3/4 cup cooked white rice and half of the container of green beans.

Before I knew it, it was time to head to the restaurant.  For the last three Thursday nights I’ve gotten there, only to realize that it was slow and got cut each time.  So I was happy that it was pretty busy last night.  There were three parties of 10 people or more, so my manager said she’d give me most of the smaller tables to make it even.  So I got my first table at 5:20 – nice!  And I kept getting tables – 3 in the bar area, 3 in the dining room – I even flipped two tables twice.  Best part?  I was done by 9:20 and home by 10:00 with $140 in my pocket after tipping out.  Based on the conversations of the other servers on how they did, I think I made double what they did – sometimes having a bigger table doesn’t always mean big $$!

One of our specials last night Tony would have loved.  Half a bone in chicken vesuvio with roasted potatoes and peas.  Do you like chicken vesuvio?

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I had a cup of chicken tortilla soup when I got to work, and true to form, was hungry by the time I got home.  I finished off the rest of the Home Run Inn pizza from the night before, with a couple glasses of white wine.

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Not shockingly, I had no problem getting my 10,000 steps in yesterday!

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Let me know if you want to be friends on FitBit – just leave a comment and I’ll send you an email request.

Stats for the Day:

  • 1630 calories, 135 carbs, 102 protein, 46 fat and 19 fiber
  • 30% of calories from fat, 25% from protein, 32% from carbs and 13% from alcohol
  • just over 7 miles of steps!

Another long day today – double work day.  One of the secretaries quit and today is her last day.  I think I’ve worked with her for 6 years?  So we are having a farewell pizza party for her today at lunch.  She will be missed!

Alright, time to jump in the shower and I have to iron my work clothes that I washed last night – somehow I got food on everything last night – my shirt, apron AND pants!  Gah. 

Make it a great day!