
When I got home yesterday, there was more mail than usual since there was no mail on Monday, and half way through I saw a letter from the Chicago Department of Revenue.  My first thought was “we don’t live in Chicago!”

I open it up, and there, plain as day, is my truck going through a red light!  WTF?  On busy streets in Chicago they have lights and cameras to catch people who run red lights. 

Now anyone that knows me knows I am the most cautious (my husband would say “slow”) driver.  I drive with my hands at 10 and 2 and will wait for cars to be 50 feet away before I make a turn.

And the weird part is that I hadn’t even made it to the intersection and the light was already red!  Now, it was Christmas Eve morning, I was on the way to the hospital to visit Tony two days after his surgery and my mind was probably in a million different places.

So although I have to pay a fine of $100  at least I didn’t get in an accident, so that is how I am going to look at it!

My camera battery died – I need to remember to throw the charger in the camera bag.  Lunch today is mystery soup (no idea, could be chili, roasted red pepper or taco soup!) and a salad with chopped buffalo turkey.

But I will talk about the Blogger Secret Ingredient Update!   Check out this post for more details . . . the recipes are trickling in and the ones that I’ve gotten are great so far!  This weeks prize is a $20 Whole Foods Gift Card!  All you have to do is put a recipe on your blog using the secret ingredient this week, which is zucchini (or email me at BDL319@gmail.comand I’ll post your recipe on my blog), link back to this blog and you are entered to win.  Submissions are due on Sunday, January 25 and the winner will be announced on Monday, January 26.  Good luck!

See you at dinner tonight – come back for more comfort food – Easy Chicken Parmesan!